Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who?


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Apparently, he's not returning for the next series for whatever reason, meaning that the Doctor will regenerate again in the Christmas special this year:

Part of his statement about leaving:

Your dedication is truly remarkable. Thank you so very much for supporting my incarnation of the Time Lord, number 11, who I might add is not done yet - I'm back for the 50th anniversary and the Christmas special.

It's been an honour to play this part, to follow the legacy of brilliant actors, and helm the Tardis for a spell with 'the ginger, the nose and the impossible one'. But when ya gotta go, ya gotta go and Trenzalore calls. Thank you guys. Matt.

So, looks like the show could be changing again pretty soon. What do other Doctor Who fans think about his leaving the show? And who do you think will play the next incarnation of the Doctor?
perhaps we'll get an insight into what john hurt did, for peace, but not in the name of the doctor?
I haven't kept up with the show as much as I should... I have a lot of seasons to watch. I liked Matt Smith as the doctor though, and it'll be sad to see him go.
John Hurt has been confirned as the next Doctor, which could mean the series will take a darker edge. I find the idea of a draker Dr Who interesting, despite some saying it would be terrible. The Dark Knight trilogy was a darker version of a previously light franchise, and it was great so I see no reason why Dr Who couldn't achieve that too.
John Hurt has been confirned as the next Doctor, which could mean the series will take a darker edge. I find the idea of a draker Dr Who interesting, despite some saying it would be terrible. The Dark Knight trilogy was a darker version of a previously light franchise, and it was great so I see no reason why Dr Who couldn't achieve that too.

i not sure how it could get much darker, seeing as we have death every few episodes with evil schemes always there, but it would be new at least.

and even if it DOES end up being kinda bad, ill still watch it, ive been watching since eccleston helped revive doctor who back in 2006, and i not gonna stop now.
i've found it to be pretty good. smith seemed kinda meh in the beginning, but i grew to like him being the doctor. hes more cheery and jokey then tennant, but tennant puts drama into the show far better than smith does.
I know this is silly but the obsessiveness over it from certain people I wouldn't exactly qualify as my sort of people has really ruined any interest of me getting into the show.
I never could get used to Matt Smith being the doctor o_O I watched a few episodes with him in and just got bored of the show and stopped watching, though from the sounds of it, it's a lot more horror themed than it used to be.
John Hurt has been confirned as the next Doctor, which could mean the series will take a darker edge. I find the idea of a draker Dr Who interesting, despite some saying it would be terrible. The Dark Knight trilogy was a darker version of a previously light franchise, and it was great so I see no reason why Dr Who couldn't achieve that too.

Um....I'm not 100% sure John is going to be the next doctor, otherwise
how did 11 know who it was?
I feel they will find some no name British actor and catapult him to fame. I don't think it'd be someone like Benedict Cumberbatch, who is the lead in BBC Sherlock (much to the dismay of many of my friends) but I have a good feeling that whoever they pick, we will fall in love with him like we have all the other Doctors.
I never really watched Doctor Who, but on the BBC news website, it said Zac Efron may take over..

Wasn't that an April Fools joke? I would like a source on that one... just to be safe :p
People have made a lot of predictions in regards to who'll take over. Here are some of them (and the odds from betting companies for each):

Some of the most ridiculous are...

  • David Tennant (no seriously)
  • Billie Piper (someone seriously put money on Rose as the next doctor?)
  • James Corden (Craig Owens as the doctor?)
  • Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean?)
  • 250/1 David Beckham
  • 250/1 Tom Cruise
  • 250/1 Simon Cowell (I have no words for this. Even odds of 250 to 1 are too generous for the likes of Beckham, Cruise or Simon Cowell as the 12th doctor)
  • Jenna Louise Coleman 33/1 (Clara as the 12th doctor?)
  • Daniel Radcliffe 100/1 (Harry Potter?)
Then again, it could be more hilarious. Someone actually talked about Daniel Craig as the 12 doctor in the comments, as if going from James Bond to Doctor Who would be... plausible.
Nin3DS, on 06 Jun 2013 - 18:54, said:Someone actually talked about Daniel Craig as the 12 doctor in the comments, as if going from James Bond to Doctor Who would be... plausible.

It would certainly explain a lot.