McDonald’s McTrax: Play the Placemat


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The McDonald’s placemat: just a paper placemat that turns into a full music production station! McTrax. By the use of conductive ink on a piece of paper you can connect your smartphone to our placemat via Bluetooth.

This placemat looks cool.

I wonder would McDonald's will be enforcing a volume limit on the volume of its costumers' speakers on their phone or external speaker which is connected to the phone.

I got a feeling allowing people to play and sing and rap music in the store may not go well because some of the older costumers' may start rapping and singing songs which are too kinky or violent for a family restaurant like McDonald's

There are some people who are not good at playing instruments like this McTrax placemat, singing, rapping, or making songs, so I imagine people's poor music skills may upset people who just want to eat, or listen to their own music from their MP3 player in a quiet place.
This can only end badly, specially when you stay too long and hold up other people from getting a table.
This can only end badly, specially when you stay too long and hold up other people from getting a table.

Some McDonald's have signs which say you can only stay there for 30 minutes if the costumer bought a cup of coffee, ice cream cone, and other food purchase which can be finished in under 30 minutes.

I got a feeling the staff at McDonald's will need to spend more of their working hours enforcing this rule, and asking people to leave after they are holding up all the tables because they are being distracted by playing with the musical placemat at McDonald's.

Hopefully, there won't be fights which get started because people are holding up the tables. I bet, it would be annoying to see many people holding up a table who is not eating, and playing music at McDonald's on their placemats.
I hate to be the person who has to ask a mean looking gang of people to leave.

I agree it would be a tough, and sometimes dangerous job to ask a gang of mean people to leave for overstaying at McDonald's. There are some people who don't care about the law, or think they can start fights with people without getting caught by the police.