Metacritic ranks developers by score now...


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Or more precisely, it ranks companies by scores as well as individuals. This is not a good thing because:

1. It associates developers by every single game their name is listed on. Including ports of their games to other systems which they may not have had anything to do with. So they'd now better hope their chosen company doesn't just start remaking their games like crazy.

2. It gives another fanboy metric. First it was 'my game series/game is better than yours', now it's 'my favourite video game developer is better than your favourite developer',

3. It screws up job prospects, and puts all blame on the development staff. Or if I was cynical, the most well known person/people associated with the product. So if you happen on a disasterous game, good bye future career, because your employer can look up your name, find a score average and decide whether you're a 'good' video game developer.

The other problem, company wise is that by nature of them generalising the scores, the top and bottom ranked companies are just those who've made merely one or two games. Make one good game and you go straight to the top of the list, make one awful one and you're seen as fifty something points below the average. It ends up mattering less whether the company has made great games as much as whether they just made 'fairly good' ones only. Or basically, make one bad game after/before a breakout mass hit, and your score ends up worse than some nobody who made only middle of the road games.

Anyone else think is a really worrying option on Metacritic?
It does help a little, to be honest.

Would you honestly pick Ubisoft over Rare? Pluheeze.
I would pick Ubisoft Montreal over the current Rare any day.
Ubisoft Montreal is incredibly skilled and has made fantastic titles.
Ubisoft by itself is just a publisher. Montreal on the other had has made great games like Rainbow Six Vegas and Assassins Creed.

Rare WAS a great company. In the days of the N64. But now, they are not the glory they were then. So I would easily pick Ubisoft over Rare.
And there we have the issue. Old Rare was better than Old Ubisoft, but it might now be the other way around. But remember, those good games Rare made? They still exist. They still give the company a pretty high percentage quality wise, regardless of how bad any modern games might be. Same for any other company. Their old great games for say, the Nintendo 64 era could easily make a currently failing company look good to the ignorant investor.
It's true that companies have peaks. They have high points and low points. While I think that all games should be attributed to their name, but it is still a bit unfair because specific people leave and come. One great team might not be there, but the new team is still allowed to be named as that developer. That is what is unfair.

For example, Pandemic games made the game, The Sabotuer. The Saboteur was a fantastic game that I LOVED a lot. The developers were very skilled. You'd want the company to have the prestige of that. BUT! Immediately after making the Saboteur, the entire studio got liquidated. ALL of the previous developers GONE. All the prestige that belonged to the 'company' now belongs only to those developers, and the future team doesn't deserve the previous team's prestige and if the new team makes crap games, it should not depreciate the greatness of the previous team.

I agree with what you said Cheat.