Miami Beach Has Spring Break Restrictions?


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"Expect curfews, security searches and bag checks at beach access points, early beach entrance closures, DUI checkpoints, bumper-to-bumper traffic, road closures and arrests for drug possession and violence."

Unless there's a crap ton of violence and what not, I can see this failing. How are you going to restrict tourists?
First they want to get rid of Disney and now their spring breakers, Florida is going down hill lol.
First they want to get rid of Disney and now their spring breakers, Florida is going down hill lol.
Nah... Alot of Florida Cities over the years have done this already.

I don't wanna sound like a boomer here, but I probably will. Back in lets say the 90's and early 00s... Spring break was still crazy and wild.. However the amount of violence and destruction was not anywhere near the level it is now. Sometime around the 2010's there has been a shift. Fights, riots, rape, and destruction are a lot more prevalent.

Take a look at what happened in Panama City Beach circa 2015 before they started cracking down. Several shootings, a female was gang raped on the beach in the middle of the day, several stores were raided/destroyed, fights were happening EVERYWHERE, home invasions happened, and the police had to get help from other counties to get it under control.

After 2015 happened, they have been cracking down hard and only just within the past year or two has it gotten better..ish. Unfortunately when the majority of the south east have spring break... something wild still happens.

Other cities have seen and had similar events too. They have since implemented rules to the ones PCB have. I am honestly surprised Miami held out this long without doing anything.

Blame it on what you want, but Spring Break has turned into a chaos fest.
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Nah... Alot of Florida Cities over the years have done this already.

I don't wanna sound like a boomer here, but I probably will. Back in lets say the 90's and early 00s... Spring break was still crazy and wild.. However the amount of violence and destruction was not anywhere near the level it is now. Sometime around the 2010's there has been a shift. Fights, riots, rape, and destruction are a lot more prevalent.

Take a look at what happened in Panama City Beach circa 2015 before they started cracking down. Several shootings, a female was gang raped on the beach in the middle of the day, several stores were raided/destroyed, fights were happening EVERYWHERE, home invasions happened, and the police had to get help from other counties to get it under control.

After 2015 happened, they have been cracking down hard and only just within the past year or two has it gotten better..ish. Unfortunately when the majority of the south east have spring break... something wild still happens.

Other cities have seen and had similar events too. They have since implemented rules to the ones PCB have. I am honestly surprised Miami held out this long without doing anything.

Blame it on what you want, but Spring Break has turned into a chaos fest.

When was it not a chaos fest?
When was it not a chaos fest?
80's 90's and early 00's to be honest.. Yeah it was still slammed pack with the "hooping and hollering" drunk college kids. That was especially true when MTV started their stuff for spring break. Now though It might as well be called a riot in alot of cases. It isn't college kids just having fun anymore. By no means were things "peaceful" but they damn sure weren't chaotic lol.

I am also saying this as someone who unfortunately grew up in a very popular Spring Break spot lol.

For example the worst thing that would usually happen in the late 90s.. tore up hotel rooms and littered beaches.

Late 2010s.. as I mentioned before.. shootings, tons of fights, rape in the middle of the beach, home invasions, store raids/riots, vehicle destruction, and more. Cities are just tired of it.
I can see them wanting to keep the locals safe. That would be with any tourist area. Tourists come in & don't follow nor mind the rules & think because they don't live there, they can do what they want. I can agree with NBK*Twitch NBK*Twitch that people may be fed up. Even our smaller cities have clamped down. Humans tend to think they are Entitled & above the law nowadays & don't show Respect.