Microsoft is 'seriously considering' bringing Google Android apps to Windows


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SOFTWARE HOUSE Microsoft reportedly is 'seriously considering' allowing Android apps to run on its Windows and Windows Phone operating systems.
That's according to The Verge, which has heard from sources familiar with Microsoft's plans that the company is mulling the prospect of bringing Android apps to both Windows and Windows Phone in order to win over new customers.
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This is good news for people who also use Windows while also using Android as their phone's operating system. Although, Intel and AMD are already making it possible to use Android on a Windows PC via dual-booting or emulation with Bluestack Android emulator, so Windows users can already run Android apps within Windows.
I wonder if they will charge some outragous price for users to bring them their devices assuming the device hasn't been rooted to already allow them.
I think MS will put Bing/Microsoft Ads, and In-App purchases onto Android apps. I read online that kids spend hundreds-thousands of dollars on virtual items for mobile games, and other Apps. Flappy Birds made $50,000 a day in Ad revenue from those App ads.

Game apps like Candy Crush Saga, and Clash of Clans make millions from In-app purchases, and ads as well.