Microsoft will retire Skype’s modern Windows app on July 7, push all users to the desktop version


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Skype today announced it is consolidating its two Windows apps. The Microsoft-owned company will be retiring its Windows modern app on July 7; users of the app will be pushed to the Windows desktop application instead.
If you want to avoid this mess, download the Skype desktop application now from Trying to access the modern Skype app (pictured below) starting from July 7 will automatically redirect you to download the desktop application anyway. Because your contacts and conversations from the last 30 days are saved server-side, they will be available when you log in using your Skype username and password or your Microsoft Account credentials.
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This is too bad that Skype is giving out on the Modern Mobile App for Windows 8.
I don't understand, you can't have it on mobiles anymore?
Martin said:
I believe it is the desktop application from Windows 8. Which is kind of strange news because it is pretty new.
Indeed, it is the desktop Application for Windows 8, but it is the modern desktop where apps are in full screen, or half-screen when two apps are pinned to the modern desktop.

In a way, MS canceling Skype for the modern desktop can restrict Windows 8 users from being able to Skype while they use another app like the PDF reader which comes with the modern desktop. 