Microsoft's reply to negativity


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It's now been just over 24 hours that Sony dealt a major blow to Microsoft and their Xbox one. Today they have given a response which isn't protecting their fleeing fan base.

Microsoft has addressed the hostility towards the Xbox One sparked by concerns about its compulsory connectivity requirements and its convoluted approach to used games, renting and lending, gifting, and selling.

“We always knew that our story would play out over time,” said VP at Microsoft Game Studios Phil Spencer speaking with GameSpot. “And even now, I would say, this isn't a sprint. The platform launches this November; we've got more content to share."

“There are other means like Gamescom [and] TGS coming that will still continue to put a value [proposition] on what we're bringing to market,” Spencer added. “The reaction, I think, is complete when the product is on the shelf and it has a price and it has a content library and consumers vote.”
Slow and steady wins the race as they say, but if the ground before you is vanishing then it's time to kick things into high gear.

They also did give a statement on those would wouldn't have the needed requirements to run a Xbox one.

In an interview filmed prior to Microsoft’s E3 2013 press briefing and published on GameTrailers, Microsoft’s Don Mattrick has addressed concerns about the compulsory connectivity requirements of Xbox One.

“"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” said Mattrick.

“If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.”

Mattrick is aware of the kinds of gamers who’ll be missing out on Xbox One, and “absolutely” anticipated some blowback, but went on to reiterate he feels they have made the right call.

“Seriously, when I read the blogs and thought about who’s really the most impacted there was a person who said, ‘Hey I’m on a nuclear sub.’ And I don’t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I’ve got to imagine it’s not easy to get an internet connection. But hey, I can empathise; if I was on a sub I’d be disappointed.

“It’s a service-based world, if you think about things and how they get better with an internet connection, that’s a design choice we’ve made. I think people will appreciate it... We did a lot of testing, a lot of consumer research and I think we made a good choice.”

Mattrick said Microsoft appreciates the passion of gamers but he believes gamers are “imagining outcomes that are worse than what we believe it’s going to be in the real world.”

They won't support Xbox 360 forever, at least not developers. Seems MS really is throwing the poor under the bus with the Xbox One.
I remember the Xbox was dropped almost immediately after the 360 came out. I imagine they will do the same when the Xbox one comes out. What a dumb thing thing to say to your fans that they should stick with an older system if they don't have reliable internet. How about they just go buy a PS4 instead?
They've said that there will be literally hundreds of new games for the XBox 360 over the coming years, so obviously it won't be dropped as soon as the ONE comes out.
So their answer to a newly announced bad console is to get their better, older console. lol Fine by me, more PS4's will be sold.
A pretty poor comeback by Microsoft. They just rolled over and took the Sony punishment without argument. Saying that we're going to win this console race just because we exist isn't the way to go. They should be actively fighting back against the whiplash that they got during E3, but I suppose it's too little too late at this point. I guess simmering down will divert the attention away from some of the negatives that the Xbox One has gotten. I don't know, it just seems that Microsoft is doing everything wrong.
GamerPerfection said:
They've said that there will be literally hundreds of new games for the XBox 360 over the coming years, so obviously it won't be dropped as soon as the ONE comes out.
And how many of these 100s of games are life supporting AAA games and the same ones that are coming out on Xbox one?
Demon_Skeith said:
Slow and steady wins the race as they say, but if the ground before you is vanishing then it's time to kick things into high gear.
This is how I feel as well. We're big supporters of the Xbox 360 but we won't be buying the One if Microsoft doesn't make some serious changes. It's a shame too because we were looking forward to it but nuh huh. Just doesn't look like a good deal to me and I think if they don't mend their ways this thing is gonna crash and burn.
I have always been an Xbox/Microsoft supporter but this is just garbage. I did not mind paying the $60 a year to play online while my Sony friends got to play online for free. It was worth it to use the innovative Xbox 360 operating system and personally I felt that the Xbox 360 had better games such as the Halo series. But this is way out of hand, Microsoft is further showing how money hungry and and profit driven they are. They are essentially giving a big middle finger to those who do not have internet nor can afford it. I am going to miss you master chief but Microsoft has left me with no choice.
GamerPerfection said:
They've said that there will be literally hundreds of new games for the XBox 360 over the coming years, so obviously it won't be dropped as soon as the ONE comes out.
If they stick to their word on this, I'll be happy at least. I'm not getting an XBox One, but I do have a PS3 and XBox 360, both of which are still great consoles and I'd like to enjoy playing games on them for a long time yet.
It is pretty incredible to me, the way Microsoft has mid-handled everything about the One.   Even though I love Kinect, I will be going with the PS4.  
I think that's ridiculous that they just say, "hey if you don't have an internet connection, then you won't be apart of this service run world," that's pretty pathetic response if you ask me. What if I wanted to get an Xbox One but lived somewhere that didn't have a strong connection all the time? What if I wanted to travel and take my console with me and was not able to get internet access? Just because this is a service based world, does not mean that the majority of the population is going to be able to afford such a high priced console that puts limitations and restrictions on their fan base. I personally think that was a horrific move for Microsoft and it doesn't matter how big they think their fan base is, they are going to lose a lot of customers. In the gaming industry you have to be innovative, but you also have to give the customer base what they want... and they certainly don't want to be restricted on their game-play. Furthermore, I have an Xbox 360 and quite honestly I don't even play it. I will be moving towards a PS4 if I am going to get a new console because I want to be able to share my games with others, I want to be able to connect to my internet when I want, and I want to be able to play offline if I don't feel like playing with others. I want a system that is efficient, has capabilities (like playing movies, offline games, and social features), but I don't want to be stuck paying a high price ticket for something that is only going to give me a hassle when it comes to playing. 

Nope. Sorry Microsoft, but you shot yourself in the foot, and you'll be losing a lot of customers. I can't wait to see how their annual sales drop. It's about time that Sony gets the lead, and they deserve it. Sony has taken a well working system and has only made it better. 
I don't believe Microsoft is going to take away any of the issues that the general core audience seem to have. I know some people think that they can honestly change the way the Xbox One is going to operate but I find that very unlikely unless the numbers turn into a very one-sided affair.

It is hilarious that Microsoft are actually saying the Xbox 360 will be the offline device we should choose. How stupid do you think your audience is? Honestly, I feel like they're trying to treat us like children. I am not an avid hater of the Xbox One but I was very disappointed with how they are addressing their issues. I honestly didn't feel their conference was too bad, but the way they talk to us is terrible. 
Demon_Skeith said:
And how many of these 100s of games are life supporting AAA games and the same ones that are coming out on Xbox one?
This is the problem with you. They announce continued support to Xbox 360 in the form of 100's of games over the next few years and the only thing you can say is to question the quality of the games. Your absolute bias attitude is despicable. Microsoft could have decided to immediately stop Xbox 360 games when the ONE gets released which would not have made anyone happy, but they decide to continue it with 100's of games and you have nothing but complete negativity.
GamerPerfection said:
This is the problem with you. They announce continued support to Xbox 360 in the form of 100's of games over the next few years and the only thing you can say is to question the quality of the games. Your absolute bias attitude is despicable. Microsoft could have decided to immediately stop Xbox 360 games when the ONE gets released which would not have made anyone happy, but they decide to continue it with 100's of games and you have nothing but complete negativity.
I think your pretty ignorant, a dog happy to bite on anything they say. I'm happy to hear they will continue the Xbox 360, but to say 100s of more games coming to a dying system and not give much outline makes me wonder how much smoke they are blowing.

If sony said this with the PS3 upon PS4 release, or Nintendo in the same way. I be just as skeptical regardless of the system or maker.
It sounds like ps3's boomerang controller problem times a million. I wonder if theyre do some last minute drastic changes
The XBone team really just have a poor marketing team. There's no way you can go into E3 and basically shun the middle class and think that's a good idea. No internet? The XBone isn't for you. What is the reason for not allowing the consumer to purchase and play used video games? There is none. 

Microsoft is just catering to the publisher, rather than the consumer who lines their pockets. It's a shame really, because I really liked TitanFall. But I will never EVER play it now because I will never support Microsoft.
Such a blunder by Don Mattrick but realistically what could he have said in that interview? I guess he could have said something like, No comment or We will reveal that later... at least he gave an honest answer even if it's not the one we wanted to hear. Microsoft is leaving those without internet on the side of the road, like it or not.