Review Minecraft 1.4-1.6: The Wither, The Redstone, And The Horses


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Minecraft 1.1-1.3 were a bit hard to talk about, simply because of how small 1.1 was and how interconnected 1.2 and 1.3 were. I don't have this problem with Minecraft 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6

These three updates more or less stand out on their own, even though some of the features build on top of each other. This was a vast improvement over 1.1-1.3, and I do consider these updates to be better than earlier updates.

Let's just jump right into 1.4, or The Pretty Scary Update.

1.4 is far larger than 1.1-1.3 combined, to the point where I can't really list out everything that was added simply because it's such a long list. This is by far the biggest update so far and will remain the largest update until 1.7

1.4 is interesting in that it feels underrated. It legitimately added in more crops, zombie villagers, anvils, beacons, witches, and withers. All of these things are hugely important to the game and I can't really think of any actual criticisms with the update. Sure it doesn't feel as massive as the more modern updates but it's right up there with how much it added to the game.

I'd say the same for 1.5 as well.

1.5 is not as feature heavy, but it's the redstone update. The redstone update legitimately improved redstone to the point where it became the powerhouse it is today. Shit like hoppers and observers are still some of the most necessary things needed in farms, which makes this update just as impactful as 1.4 even without any new mobs.

1.5 also added quartz which is a nice bonus as it's some of the best building material in the game.

1.6 is the horse update, which does make it weaker than 1.4 and 1.5. Horses are pretty fun in the game but they didn't change the game quite like how 1.4 and 1.5 did.

Name tags and leads were introduced here however, which are pretty useful items in the game. Clay blocks (terracotta) was added as well which is nice, but I still don't really think this update was all that big. I don't hate it, but I also can't say that I'm in love with this update.

It's mostly overshadowed by 1.7 and 1.8 honestly, which makes sense as those are the updates that truly changed Minecraft.

I'll talk about those two updates in the next article, as for now I wanted to start ranking these updates so here is my official list.

1.4- The Pretty Scary Update
1.5- The Redstone Update
1.3- The Trading Update
1.6- The Horses Update
1.2- The Jungle Update
1.1- The Creative Update

Anyways that's it for now.
Why do you think 1.6 only put in horses that didn't add much?
Why do you think 1.6 only put in horses that didn't add much?
From what I think you're asking about, horses are more or less just another form of transportation. Which isn't bad but the redstone update and the pretty scary update was far...more impactful.

Like the redstone update was pretty niche but just want it added to the game legitimately has changed the way farming works. If I were to point out redstone contraptions between 1.4 and 1.5 there is a very distinct difference between those two (granted that's the same with every addition to redstone). Horses aren't a bad feature but it's just not as game changing as beacons or hoppers were.