Minions Movie


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These film series remember me those old cartoon days and comedy flims.
So what do you guys think has anyone watched them?p
I love Despicable Me and Minions. I haven't watched the latest Despicable Me movie though and I'm not even sure if there is more than 1 Minions movie. If there are more, then I've only watched the first Minions movie.
I love Despicable Me and the Minions. In the beanie babies collection, I've collected a couple of Minions and I even have the unicorn (I believe it's name is Fluffy). I love the Minions.
The unicorn and the little girl that got it in the movie are adorable so little plushies of them would be awesome. Some of the memes are alright @Demon_Skeith but a lot of them seem to have been taken over by older women on Facebook and therefore ruined lol