Minor 3DS Advice; How to cheat the 3DS Step Counter


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As you probably are all aware, the step counter on a 3DS system will max out and stop giving you play coins when you reach 1000 steps or 10 coins. But thankfully, there's a very simple way to 'cheat' this entirely. Yeah it apparently causes problems with StreetPassing and stuff, but if you live in a place with very few 3DS owners (or farm country as some might say), then this is pretty much your only hope in hell of winning StreetPass Quest or Puzzle Swap.

Simply set the date back one year, then after a few coins set it back to what the original date was to unfill the step counter and get another 10 coins or so.

You can also change it back immediately after changing it and my experience is that it'll add more steps to the current total, yet still give you coins for them. Why Nintendo didn't make something like this the default set up I don't know, but it works.

It's not much of a tip and I'm sure everyone here knows it by now, but it should help those few new 3DS owners out there in nowheresville who have no one nearby to StreetPass with and need to beat Find Mii before the next apocalypse.
Or, you can also make my N3DS Play Coin Generator out of K'NEX with instructions on Instructables:


Or you could read Nin's post and find out he said how to get more than 10 coins per day than advertising your video.
I used to use the date reset method several times a day, but then started experiencing several glitches in regards to online play. Basically, the system would be able to get onto the e-Shop, but could no longer connect to any other 3DS. Talking with a Nintendo trouble-shooter, we eventually came to the conclusion that constantly resetting the date was the cause. Since I stopped resetting the date for coins, I have never had a problem playing online.

The method DOES work, but I do not recommend it if you enjoy playing games online.
Another great way to cheat the system is to just shake your 3DS up and down for an extended period of time, haha, it works.
Yeah, my 3DS gets used as a Shake Weight almost daily. It doesn't give me cab fare but it pays me in Play Coins.
I use a Lazy Susan or whatever it's called. It's like a rotating plate some people keep on their kitchen tables. I place the 3DS back in it's box, put it on the Lazy Susan, hold it with two fingers (So it doesn't spin off) and just spin the thing for about six minutes.