Mirrors Edge 2


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Looks good, anyone looking forward to it?
Graphics look fantastic as usual, Still want this game to have more nighttime stages.
Mirror's Edge was a great experience. Personally I have been awaiting the announcement for Mirror's Edge two for a long time. I'm sure this game will be able to capture the free running experience of the first game, along with new and exciting mechanics.
As someone who enjoyed the game mechanics of Prototype 2, I would really love to play this game. There's such style to free running here that it would be a shame not give this game the credits it deserves. And the graphics look good too. Maybe I'll start off by playing Mirror's Edge 2.
I must say that I found the swedish accents of all those developers to be quite hilarious, it sounds pretty horrible, but still funny.

The accents aside, it does look like a very interesting game. I remember playing the first Mirrors Edge on the 360, and it sure was a good game, but as far as I remember, it did feel somewhat "linear" in that you didn't have too many options as far as ways of completing the game goes, and I found it really awesome to hear that they would try to introduce high-risk paths, low-risk paths, and so on. And that "feature" is sure to keep me playing for hours on end if I get this game, since I'm a completionist myself, I would of course try to take the hardest/fastest path all the time, plus try out more fun paths.

Another thing that the first one lacked was storyline, I felt like it was "some woman jumping between houses who has to do something". Hopefully they will make the game feel more involved in a story this time. And I'm quite excited to hear about Faith's past!
I'm glad they at least showed something constructive and what they actually want from the game. The first game was fun enough to justify at least 3 playthroughs but could have had much more, I hope this game will have that. I'm sure the open world setting will give us what we want. 
No way? How did I miss this? It's about time, Mirror's Edge was a breath of fresh air in a stale industry. A series as fun and unique as that deserves a sequel. First-person parkour is a brilliant gameplay idea, and it was executed really well in the first game. I've been hoping for a Mirror's Edge sequel for ever.

I'm super excited about this. 2014 is gonna be a good year for gaming. Perhaps this is the end of the FPS funk we've been in for years, huh?
For the most part it looks the same to me besides the combat animation. However the style of the world is still there and I feel like that's one of its largest drawing points. I'm excited for it.
The first Mirror's Edge game was good, but it was pretty linear and didn't have any kind of choices and stuff. The parkour and free-running stuff was amazing. There was shooting stuff here and there, but shooting didn't appear as the major part of the game. The game didn't look so well; the graphics looked washed out and the game looked dull. The game was unique as we hardly have any such parkour centric video games. I didn't find the storyline that appealing, but it was okay. I'm looking forward to the sequel, though. The E3 trailer looked amazing and the game looks vastly improved than its predecessor. Only time will tell.
This game looks amazing, I loved the first one and I hope with Mirror's Edge 2 they can really fix what it was wrong in the first game. For example, It was too linear. A little free roaming would be nice, with secrets and collectibles. Side missions would be cool too. And a shop, so you could upgrade your skills, change the clothing and stuff like that. I'm hoping to do 30+ hours in Mirror's Edge 2.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Just like everyone else, I too think that Mirrors Edge was a perfect game and I cannot wait for the sequel but one thing I did not like about the first game was that it was way too easy to finish and there wasn't much to do after you've beat the game once. So what I would really like to see in Mirrors Edge 2 is a longer campaign and hopefully a multiplayer! [/SIZE]
I love the first mirrors edge, it was amazing!
The gameplay was amazing, music was perfect and always made me happy to play it!
Im really hoping that the next one can keep up with where the first one left off.