Mobius Final Fantasy - Announcement Trailer for Android and iOS

I'm starting to get mad all these final fantasy games are appearing on mobile instead of console like they should be.
I agree that it is disappointing that Final Fantasy games are becoming exclusive for mobile instead of being also available on PC, and console.
It's because of the hardware limitations of phones that developers are forced to innovate and focus less on graphical fidelity and focus more on gameplay/content. PC and consoles are getting to the point where there's basically no restrictions and developers can make things "pretty" and use it as a selling point. An empty shell can be pretty, but it's still just an empty shell.

Edit: to add to this, it's also the reason a lot of good RPGs still come out on handheld, and most console/PC RPGs today are trash. Most, not all.
Specially since this looks better than FF 15 and clearly it didn't take ten years to make this game.

Maybe SquareEnix feels this game will not have enough gamers on consoles because there are many RPGs for consoles and PC for people to play.

Square may feel they could earn more money by just releasing it to iOS and Android because Square would not need to spend money to make physical disc, paper user manuals, and boxes like traditional video games.