Monster Hunter


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here own a Wii U just for the Monster Hunter series? I played Monster Hunter 3 an incredible amount, and even debated buying a Wii U just for the upgraded version, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

With Monster Hunter 4 coming though, I think it will be a system seller for me! It's always funny to buy a system and only own one game for it. That's what happened with me and Demon's Souls for the PS3 for awhile.
Unfortunately I don't have the funds to get a Wii exclusively for Monster Hunter, but I do play Monster Hunter Dos regularly, as well as the PsP version occasionally. The ability to play co-op seems like a good reason to buy a Wii U, in the future, though.
I'm buying a 3DS just to own the pokemon series, so I don't think it is too odd to do something similar with the Wii U. Hopefully you find other games to flesh out your library.

You have to remember, it seems like you're wasting money if you're only buying one game for it, but in reality you're saving money by not buying more games. Consumerism messes with the brain, huh?
Yeah, seeing as Capcom decided to go with Nintendo for their company of choice for their new Monster Hunter titles, it's not like i have much choice, as a fan of the series anyway.
themubs said:
Hopefully you find other games to flesh out your library.
I think I have! The just announced Smash Bros game looks incredible. I'm also a big fan of Bayonetta, so Bayonetta 2 will be a must buy for me. As silly as it seems, Wii U is the only console that has exclusives that I'm excited for.