More Bugs are Coming?


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I find this a rather good rant.
The guy makes a good point.

This honestly reminds me of all of the addons Sega made for the Genesis to keep it current. That went super for them... not

Also, people really do need to quit accepting these big day 1 bugs. That is one of the biggest reasons why I wait on buying games.
To be fair, a lot of older games were very buggy too. It's not like games have only started having all these issues. They were a big thing since the NES days, and worse in certain games (like anything poorly received in general, such as Superman 64 or Big Rigs).
To be fair, a lot of older games were very buggy too. It's not like games have only started having all these issues. They were a big thing since the NES days, and worse in certain games (like anything poorly received in general, such as Superman 64 or Big Rigs).

true, but none of the older games weren't released with bugs that made them unplayable.
Action52 says otherwise. Some games simply didn't start, period. Many had broken levels and content.

Same with the aforementioned Superman 64. You can get stuck in walls six feet from the edge. You can die in cutscenes. Etc.

Many old games had game breaking bugs, and they were super common on notorious crap games like the ones mentioned above. Oh, and some were deliberately broken because the creators couldn't be bothered to finish the damn things:
