Most improved game


GamingLatest Slave
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Having recently finished Assassins Creed Unity, a game which launched in a very bad state, but was fixed and I personally found it quite enjoyable, my question is - what is the most improved game (via patches, etc) that you have come across?
Can't answer since I don't buy many game one days and by the time I play they are patched. I haven't bought any remasters yet (though odin sphere for PS4 might be one), that improved gameplay either.
Changing this around since I've seen more games lately, Prey probably tops it for me. It was poorly received on release but since a couple of patches people really, really love it.
From games which I have played I think that I can say it's Euro Truck Simulator 2.

I have played a lot of other games which I stoppled playing after updates...
If I will only based on the games that I do play, I think the most improved game that I played is the grand theft auto they never disappoint me, try to compare all the versions of grand theft auto from the first grand theft auto up to now which is the Grand theft auto IV you can see the improvements specially in the graphics.