Mubarak resigns as leader in Egypt


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Well, thoughts on this fairly peaceful 'revolution'? In my opinion, more power to the people there if they decided they could take no more from a poor leader and managed to get him out of office without violent means.
I'm sorry, but this spells trouble.

Hosni was one of the greatest influences of Egyptian-Palestinian relations. Removing him from office and replacing him with Armed Forces that clearly side with Muslim rebels is not a good idea.

However, now Egypt can finally be free of the rising corruption that has been taking place ever since 2008.
Oh wait, the power now goes to the military?


Yeah, technically.

Hosni claims to have given power to the Vice President, but the Secretary of State reports that the actual power goes to the Egyptain Armed Forces, so they are basically now under military rule.

But, give or take a week or even a month to settle a new government for the new "Egyptian government".
^That's why he said fairly peaceful. It's not like the French Revolution.

My thoughts? Good job Egypt. They did a great job in just fighting for what was right, and they were successful. And the government responded only kind of badly, and not like what happened at Tianmen Square. I think that the army will do fine in charge of the country for now, but they should have an official leader soon. Hopefully Egypt maintains good relations with Israel, which is pretty important in the Middle East.
The army seems set on following the demands of the protesters. They dissolved parliament and suspended the constitution until a new one is written.

Looks good so far.
The army said they intend on honoring all peace treaties and international accords Egypt has already signed. Including that one.
Watch the military hold onto power, no matter how many promises they make. It's happened before :3
I don't see why Obama is coming under fire for this, either. The US is NOT obliged to be the world's police. So a country has a democratic revolution. Yay, democracy! But it's not our job to come in with the stars and stripes to make sure everything goes swimmingly, even if Egypt is our ally.
I don't see why Obama is coming under fire for this, either. The US is NOT obliged to be the world's police. So a country has a democratic revolution. Yay, democracy! But it's not our job to come in with the stars and stripes to make sure everything goes swimmingly, even if Egypt is our ally.
This. This! This!! THIS!!!