Mubarak resigns as leader in Egypt

I'm not really too concerned about it, other than a guy who plays on my soccer team has parents in Egypt. Otherwise, I've listened to all the stories and everything, but I haven't had an opinion.
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Similar uprisings have been going on in Algeria and Yemen.

Oh boy! Another revolution age is upon us!!!
Never trust Islamic extremist influences.

I find this to be grossly ignorant. You're assuming they're ALL Islamic and on top of that, that they're all extremists. That's like assuming all Baptists are terrorists because the Westboro church is full of hateful assholes.

Similar uprisings have been going on in Algeria and Yemen.

Oh boy! Another revolution age is upon us!!!
The youth in a lot of Middle Eastern countries have been protesting. It seems they understand there needs to be change. I just hope they can start a revolution and keep it as peaceful as possible. I think it's fantastic that the people are taking power, if somethings not working, it's just not working. Hopefully they can change it and make it work for them.

*reads replies above this post*


*shakes head*
I'm so glad you were able to express your opinion in a well developed and thought out idea that gave your side instead of just exclaming you disagree and tell them they're wrong.
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The people of these countries in political turmoil have probably wanted to revolt for many years now. Egypt has shown them that they can be successful; it's given them motivation and hope.

Or I could be like the news outlets and claim that Facebook has started all of this. Ya know, to give the USA some credit >_>
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