Much loved games you personally dislike?


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Which games that seemingly everyone online likes do you think are overrated, and why?

For me, one is Super Mario Land, because it's just not a great Mario game, and it seems like the game is way, way too short even for Game Boy standards.
All these Zelda games. I'm not really a fan of Fantasy-adventure, unless in incorporates guns like Star wars.
Wind Waker
Okami (besides that they're both cel-shaded, they both annoy me, and Okami is the most boring game I've ever played even though I played the first 10 minutes and all I got was story.)
Super Mario Land. I didn't find it all that fun.
Elder Scrolls Marrowwind. There's nothing to do in that game. I start it and I can't do anything in that game. At all. It's so boring and lacks... Everything. I mean you're level 1 and doors require you to be (the lowest I found) level 5 and there's nothing to level up with.
Basically anything from END OF THE LINE! (Bioware)
Final Fantasy XIII
World of Warcraft (Honestly, its the worst thing thats ever happened to video games)

And um... thats about it. I don't see any reason to HATE a video game unless I have a decent reason.
I never really bothered much with the Sonic series, but I don't know if I dislike Sonic, let alone any game.

This is hard to describe, but if I was to say I disliked a game, it'd be the stuff like WoW or whatever; I just don't get what's so fun about it. Sure, it's endless, but I much prefer some limits to my game (a story or something) rather than roaming around. I like to have an end, just to finish everything off.
Wind Waker
Okami (besides that they're both cel-shaded, they both annoy me, and Okami is the most boring game I've ever played even though I played the first 10 minutes and all I got was story.)
Actually play the game.
For me it'd be any MMORPG (WoW and that stuff)
And the Goldeneye remake.
I really don't have any :/

Usually games that people love, I don't have the game.
Actually play the game.
For me it'd be any MMORPG (WoW and that stuff)
And the Goldeneye remake.
No the problem was that the story was boring. If it were more interesting I would have actually tried it.

Oh and I want to add Metroid and the newer Pokemon games as well.
Why does it always seem that you get into these conversations about which games everybody hates, DYL? Not that I'm disagreeing with you, it just feels like you're always saying your opinion and getting shot down, heh. A bit funny if I do say so... well not funny for you, but it just makes me laff a bit.

I never really understood the love for Ruby/Sapphire either. I didn't like their Pokemon design, but then again, it's the only generation of Pokemon I haven't played.
I don't know it happens every where I go. I state a game I don't like and suddenly opinons don't matter and everything I say is wrong.
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Oh, boy. Here we go.

All the Kingdom Hearts games, all the Final Fantasy games, all the Call of Duty Games, all the Pokemon Games, World of Warcraft, Kid Icarus, all the Metroid games, all the Megaman games, almost all the Kirby games (excluding Air Ride, I actually like that one), all the Mortal Kombat games, all the Street Fighter games, all the Marvel Vs. Capcom games, all the Castlevania games, ugh, I could go on forever, seriously!

As for individual games? Conker's Bad Fur Day is a good game, sure, but people think it's one of the best games ever because it had the nerve to use severely vulgar language and become incredibly stereotypical. I have to say I hate, hate, hate when people say its the best game ever and are ignorant when it comes to other games.

You know what I also hate? When people say that any of the games I listed aren't overrated. Maybe the gameplay is good (I personally think the gameplay on all these games are terrible.), but that doesn't mean it isn't overrated. The fact of the matter is too many people like it.

Now, Pokemon and Call of Duty.


Every Pokemon game is a rehash of the previous one and so is Call of Duty.

'Nuff said.

If we're talking about systems, too, I hate Playstation. 1, 2, 3, PSP, whatever, all of it, I hate all of it, I can't stand people who like PS3, seriously, all they do is complain about Xbox 360 lovers just because they can't make a decent game that's exclusive to their system.
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Oh, boy. Here we go.

All the Kingdom Hearts games, all the Final Fantasy games, all the Call of Duty Games, all the Pokemon Games, World of Warcraft, Kid Icarus, all the Metroid games, all the Megaman games, almost all the Kirby games (excluding Air Ride, I actually like that one), all the Mortal Kombat games, all the Street Fighter games, all the Marvel Vs. Capcom games, all the Castlevania games, ugh, I could go on forever, seriously!

As for individual games? Conker's Bad Fur Day is a good game, sure, but people think it's one of the best games ever because it had the nerve to use severely vulgar language and become incredibly stereotypical. I have to say I hate, hate, hate when people say its the best game ever and are ignorant when it comes to other games.

You know what I also hate? When people say that any of the games I listed aren't overrated. Maybe the gameplay is good (I personally think the gameplay on all these games are terrible.), but that doesn't mean it isn't overrated. The fact of the matter is too many people like it.

Now, Pokemon and Call of Duty.


Every Pokemon game is a rehash of the previous one and so is Call of Duty.

'Nuff said.

If we're talking about systems, too, I hate Playstation. 1, 2, 3, PSP, whatever, all of it, I hate all of it, I can't stand people who like PS3, seriously, all they do is complain about Xbox 360 lovers just because they can't make a decent game that's exclusive to their system.
So every game then?
This kid's strange.
So you don't like rehashes of games but you then said that the gameplay was terrible... which is it?
Also, if every Pokemon game is a rehash of a previous one... aren't Mario games the same?
And PS3 did have LBP...
Oh, boy. Here we go.

All the Kingdom Hearts games, all the Final Fantasy games, all the Call of Duty Games, all the Pokemon Games, World of Warcraft, Kid Icarus, all the Metroid games, all the Megaman games, almost all the Kirby games (excluding Air Ride, I actually like that one), all the Mortal Kombat games, all the Street Fighter games, all the Marvel Vs. Capcom games, all the Castlevania games, ugh, I could go on forever, seriously!

As for individual games? Conker's Bad Fur Day is a good game, sure, but people think it's one of the best games ever because it had the nerve to use severely vulgar language and become incredibly stereotypical. I have to say I hate, hate, hate when people say its the best game ever and are ignorant when it comes to other games.

You know what I also hate? When people say that any of the games I listed aren't overrated. Maybe the gameplay is good (I personally think the gameplay on all these games are terrible.), but that doesn't mean it isn't overrated. The fact of the matter is too many people like it.

Now, Pokemon and Call of Duty.


Every Pokemon game is a rehash of the previous one and so is Call of Duty.

'Nuff said.

If we're talking about systems, too, I hate Playstation. 1, 2, 3, PSP, whatever, all of it, I hate all of it, I can't stand people who like PS3, seriously, all they do is complain about Xbox 360 lovers just because they can't make a decent game that's exclusive to their system.

Its like I'm really on /v/! What games DO you like? Fighting games, Mega Men, and FF I can understand because they aren't meant for everyone, but Kirby? How can you possibly hate Kirby? To be honest I had given up on Pokemon when I quit Pearl half way through, but the new generation completely redeemed itself. Saying Pokemon B/W is a rehash only means you haven't played it. The game feels as fresh as the first generation.

Don't get me started on Metroid, Super Metroid was one of the best games for the SNES. The first two Prime games were perfect examples of a series reboot with a new direction.

The first Kingdom Hearts was fantastic, the rest I can't say the same for.

Imean seriously, that limits you from a shit load of good games...

Like all of my delicious exclusives for my PS2 and PS3 such as the MGS games, the Katamari games, UN-FUCKING-CHARTED, Heavy Rain, God of War, Little BIG Planet, God Hand, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, the best version of Okami, The R&C game, and Demon's Souls. Whereas the 360 only has brown and bloom shooters. (Except for the best Mass Effect, I'll give it that.)

Not to mention the crazy amount of exclusives the PS3 is getting this year such as InFamous 2, Uncharted 3, Disgaea 4, The Last Guardian, Resistance 3, Ratchet and Clank All 4 One, The Ico Collection, and the superior version of Portal 2 (comes with a free PC version and free updates through Steamcloud) compared to the 360's one exclusive; Gears 3.

Enjoy your year of a shitty exclusive Xbro.
This is where opinions come in people, other people have different ones, lol. I never could play through much of Super Mario Galaxy, even though everybody loved that game. But, for some reason, I played Super Mario 64 all the time back when.
All the Kingdom Hearts games

I'll admit that the fanbase is awfully annoying and that the series in general is falling apart, but the first game plus CoM were some of the best games i've ever played.

all the Final Fantasy games

I have played every FF game up to XI, because yeah, like KH, this series is also falling apart. But you have to admit that FFVII and FFVIII are some amazing games for their time. Yeah, Cloud/Sephiroth are easily the most overrated characters, but as far as the gameplay goes, it's a pretty damn good game.

all the Call of Duty Games


all the Pokemon Games

Fuck yes. The fanbase is annoying as well as the stale repetitive gameplay of every game. However, I did like the original Blue, Red, and Yellow games.

World of Warcraft

I don't see how WoW is overrated at the least. I barely hear people talk about it.

Kid Icarus

Same thing with WoW. How is Kid Icarus overrated?

all the Metroid games

You're kidding me, right? If anything, Metroid gets the most panning out of every Nintendo franchise to date. Everybody has something to complain about everytime a new Metroid game comes out.

all the Megaman games

I've only played the original 6, and they were ok games. I don't hear anybody praise it to the heavenly though.

almost all the Kirby games (excluding Air Ride, I actually like that one)

Agreed, except Kirby's Epic Yarn was one of the best Wii games i've played so far.

all the Mortal Kombat games

Now you're just getting desperate.

all the Street Fighter games

Even more desperate.

all the Marvel Vs. Capcom games

A resounding 3 games? Man, you're harsh.

all the Castlevania games

My favorite franchise next to Banjo-Kazooie. D:

But seriously, have you played any of these games in their entirety and have you played EVERY SINGLE ONE of the games in each series? You can't just judge every game from a side perspective without at least playing some of the games. And just because you don't like them doesn't mean they are "overrated" either.

As for individual games? Conker's Bad Fur Day is a good game, sure, but people think it's one of the best games ever because it had the nerve to use severely vulgar language and become incredibly stereotypical.

This was not the case at all. Get your facts straight. It was due to the fact that the graphics in Conker were technically superior to any other N64 game at the time and people thought it was impossible for Rare to program all of it onto one cartridge. It was more of a technical advancement.

Maybe the gameplay is good (I personally think the gameplay on all these games are terrible.), but that doesn't mean it isn't overrated.

I seriously doubt you have played every one of these games. I'm sorry, but with this statement, your argument is invalid and should be taken with a grain of very very small salt particles.

If we're talking about systems, too, I hate Playstation. 1, 2, 3, PSP, whatever, all of it, I hate all of it, I can't stand people who like PS3, seriously, all they do is complain about Xbox 360 lovers just because they can't make a decent game that's exclusive to their system.
