Much loved games you personally dislike?

Meh, for me i'd say Call of Duty Modern Warefare (1,2), Black Ops, and World at War. Well, I don't say dislike it because I suck at it. I pretty much just hate it when people play, act as if they are the most Pro-est player ever, cry all the damn time when they keep dieing, and yell over the game through their mics saying stuff like "F**k you Noobtuber" or "Damn it Hit Marker!!" and stuff (you probably know what i mean). Pretty much annoys me when i hear people say that every damn game that I watch my brother play.
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I've heard Castlevania is alright, it's just real lengthy and tedious. It's not gameplay I like, and I don't really think it's overly praised, but I don't think it's a bad franchise either.
Yeah I'd have to say Metroid too. It's too long, too hard, too tedious, and the back tracking is boring as hell. I don't see how people can play it.

Also my cousins college room mate has CoD and Xbox Live. So when I visited him I played it and online someone was running around grenading everything in site. He killed us, his team, even his self. I mean I sucked at the game, but at least I didn't do that. That person needed to be shot with poison bullets. I mean he was worse than the spamming Grunts on Halo.
How could anyone hate Kirby?i like it almost as much as mario,it's my 2nd favorite series
Remember everybody, these are just opinions. Also remember that there is such a thing as a stupid opinion.

Being a true, unbiased gamer, I don't dislike any "much loved" games. If I don't enjoy a game, then that's as far as it goes. I move on with my life and don't care enough to tell other people about how I don't like a game that everyone likes.
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Spaceman Spiff, this topic isn't asking people to be obnoxious about what they don't like, and while it's a good thing you don't take games too seriously, there must be some you personally don't like? This whole topic is just friendly opinion asking.