My Colors! DS Gallery


Forum veteran, previously DSU/N3DSC Staff
Full GL Member
Well as most of you may already know, I love to draw every now and then and upload my image for everyone to see. I'm reuploading previous drawings to my Gallery and will add new ones as soon as possible. What's colors! DS you ask? It's a program built for Iphones/Ipods/Nintendo D(Homebrew only), which allows you to draw, upload and share. Well Expect more from me later, as for now comment on drawings and such.
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Yes, very nice art Porkman. Very nice art. It is entirely freehand, although I do sense some tools used in the process.
Yes, very nice art Porkman. Very nice art. It is entirely freehand, although I do sense some tools used in the process.

Nope, only tool used is my DS and the card the program is on. Some pictures were renamed and removed differently from the DS however, so they may have been renamed/resized.
I see. I would've just taken a photo.

Well Colors! DS has updated recently making picture uploads a lot easier and such. Taking a picture would destroy quality, I like for my stuff to look the best it can when finished. I'm currently working on a Game related parody comic on Colors! DS.
Just say Colours DS. It's abit weird because when you said Well Colours! it sounds like a Substitute of 'Well ****!' And it seemed like it was the DS, not the game, that updated.

So, what's the process of it all?
Just say Colours DS. It's abit weird because when you said Well Colours! it sounds like a Substitute of 'Well ****!' And it seemed like it was the DS, not the game, that updated.

So, what's the process of it all?

If you mean Sonic Colors...well it's called..Sonic Colours in non-US countries. So yeah...I'm gonna stick with Colors! DS. If you meant something else...i'm sure people won't think that...

To upload the's as simple as connecting the micro SD from the Acekard to the pc and just drag and drop from the folder. Before I converted it using something called Colors tool or smething like that...which was dumb because the only time that is needed is when you want to resize or finish the picture on the PC.
Those are really good images Porkman! My two favs are the Phantoman and umbreon/mew.
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Thanks , glad to see people enjoying the album, i'm working on stuff right now actually. I'll try n' upload my newer stuff. I have a few images, and a comic too. The comic may be funny to a few...and stupid to others. It's titled "Game World", it's about ridiculousness in video games ad the things people complain about the eyes of the game characters that do them.
Very nice, I especially like the first one, the eye's are well done. I hope to get a tablet for Christmas so I may draw with my computer, since I sadly can't perform Homebrew on my DS.
Very nice, I especially like the first one, the eye's are well done. I hope to get a tablet for Christmas so I may draw with my computer, since I sadly can't perform Homebrew on my DS.

Cool, I'd love to see what you create.
I should also start uploading some of my stuff. XD! I have been on a bit of an artistic burst lately, since I am illustrating a children's book right now.
I should also start uploading some of my stuff. XD! I have been on a bit of an artistic burst lately, since I am illustrating a children's book right now.

Really? Wow, that's really cool. Are you doing this proffesionally?

EDIT: By the way I uploaded some of my parody comic to an album, I'm too lazy to post each image just click the link here.

Game World 1 by Porkman(Click Me!)

It's drawn rather childish on purpose, and it may not be too amusing in the joke department, but this is just a test for now to see people's reactions. Episode 1 will star these characters in order: Sonic the Hedgehog, Bomberman, and kirby.
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That preview of your comic series looks pretty good, and I had a bit of a chuckle at it as well. I just know that the future episodes are going to be pretty darn tops!
I like the comic. Even though it's not very long it was entertaining for a while.

It's not finished yet, it still has a Bomberman/Kirby part to it. This is also only episode 1 of the series. You'll see more.
Class photos! Did you draw them?