NC's New Question Of The Day #34


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey folks!
Sorry for the giant break, very sorry. I've been stuck at college for most of my time and been going out with my friends, it's been awesome.
Anyways, let's get right into it. I'm intreeged to see what you did in the Easter holidays so:

What did YOU do in the Easter Holidays, Spring Break?
I've actually been playing "a lot" (thanks, Arcella)of Football [Soccer if you're American] actually... not "alot" hah, I played it yesterday and that's about it. I've been thinking about going to the gym (I really need to, I have a very small build)

What about you guys?


What chocolates have you eaten? (Everyone loves the cocoa, haha)!
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coursework.... i wrote lots and lots of papers for my finals
I spent it mostly alone at home while my family went to my uncle's house to celebrate it over there.

And I'm perfectly fine with that. Oh and my Neighbor and my Boy friend gave me a Chocolate egg. Coincidentally they were the same peanut-butter filled eggs. Both of which were disgusting but I'd never actually say that because it was a gift to them from me.
My church had an event for the community so I went and helped out with the parking. over 630 people came
. The fun thing was seeing them cheer when the helicopter we borrowed came and dropped in the easter eggs (One of our members is a helicopter pilot.) We gave away prizes like Wiis, a Blu-ray player, and even a nintendo 3ds. Lol this little girl won the 3ds, and this boy, who had just previous to her won a wii, came up to her and practically begged her to trade him for it. xD Luckily the dad said no. Overall it was a great day, and I felt blessed working there
Is your church loaded or something? O.o

lol actually We're still building our building so no we're not really loaded we were just really blessed. The Helicopter Pilot was able to provide the copter. They did pay for the prizes I believe, but it wasn't like a mountain of prizes.
I really wanted to go participate to get the 3ds, and one of the first ones was the 3ds and the wii. I was like T_T.

Also we had a member that donated a Easter bunny costume and dressed up as him for the day. The kids went crazy. Infact we videotaped his coming to the event, and you can here one of the kids screaming the whole time." IT'S THE EASTER BBBUNNNNEEEEHH!!! MOM, MOM, IT'S THE EASTER BUNNNNEEEEYYY!!!!! OH MY GOODNESSS!! THE EASTER BUNNNYYY!!!!!" XD It sounded like it was the most epic thing in her life up to that point XD.
Mainly doing assignments/group projects....

Too many assignments to handle so I celebrated Easter day with my assignments lol...
I took a lot of naps, finished my teaching portfolio and played some video games. It was lovely.

Also, NintendoChannel! I feel it is time to introduce you to my friend, the Alot.
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For the first time in a few years I actually had no work on Easter Sunday which was an incredible change. I basically relaxed, enjoyed my time off with the family, and gamed to my heart's content.

Other than that, it's back to my normal work/school schedule.

Yes, very anti-climactic.