NC's New Question Of The Day #36 - Sandwiches


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey Folks! I was thinking... "why not make a question of the day where the other members find out things about me?" which bought a very good idea to my head for Q.O.T.D. (*)


Just a minute ago, I was just staring at my pencil box for no reason and on top of that pencil box, was the remainder of a peanut butter sandwich! I was extremely happy when I found out that my mum brought some peanut butter from the shop and I had to eat some strait away. But peanut butter isn't my favourite sandwich, because it makes my mouth too dry and then I have to get something to drink and I just think that it's unnecessary to eat sometimes. But when you put it on jam (jelly) that's a whole different story! Well, accept yesterday when I opened my jam jar and spreaded it on my sandwich, it tastes as if some scientist grinded up a strawberry and mixed it with a lot of water... anyways, I should probably throw the crusts away. I'm like a little kid with bread, I can't eat the crusts unless I'm really hungry.

Since we're talking sandwiches, I was meaning to ask:
What do you like on YOUR sandwiches? (Jam? Jelly? Egg? Meat? Salad? More bread?)

(*) - Why don't you ask ME questions and I'll answer them in the next Q.O.T.D! All you have to do, is ask me what ever question you would like to ask me using a visitor message in my profile or a personal message, however I can only chose one, so ask good ones! But if not, I'll just tell more storys in the next Q.O.T.D.

Black=Q.O.T.D Number
I dislike all sandwiches...................
Ham, Bologna, cheese, mayo, ketchup. Mainly that.

Oh boy *licks lips* I gotta try that... isn't that right, Joey?
Joey: Yes, NintendoChannel... do what is best, my son.

I dislike all sandwiches...................

You dissapoint this guy...:

I have no idea who he is.

It's Joey of "Friends", haha he loves sandwiches, you see.
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Ham, Bologna, cheese, mayo, ketchup. Mainly that.

Oh boy *licks lips* I gotta try that... isn't that right, Joey?
Joey: Yes, NintendoChannel... do what is best, my son.

I dislike all sandwiches...................

You dissapoint this guy...:

I have no idea who he is.

It's Joey of "Friends", haha he loves sandwiches, you see.

What is "Friends"?
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Turkey and ham are interchangeable and are usually accompanied by lettuce, mayo, cheese, salt and pepper.
WAIT! I DO like a sandwich. Grilled cheese but only grilled cheese. And I'm not talking about Home-Made Grilled Cheese I'm talking 'bout the grilled cheese they serve in fancy expensive restaurants.
Whatever I feel like adding on there. Ham, Eggs, Sausage patty, Sausage, bacon, lettuce, pepper, hot dog, potato chips, Rice. Etc.


Choclate, straight from the Kitty litter box!
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An Italian sub roll with olive oil, roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, pickles, onion, pepper, salt and pepper, and light mayo.

Or bacon with bacon grease as a mayo substitute.