NC's Question Of The Day #24


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey folks!

yesterday's Question Of The Day gave you a chance for you to ask questions for Today's Question Of The Day!
And even thought there wasn't that many applicants (...) I was still able to chose a question (...out of the current 3 that was asked...)

So, today's question of the day is...

What's the nicest thing you've ever done?
I've been told that I've done quite alot of nice things in my life but I'm not really sure of any of the nice things I've done really. Most of the time, I just TRY to be nice and hope for the best :] When people appreciate the things you've done for them, it gives you a very pleasant feeling.

Anyways, thank you SuperMarioFanX100 for asking this question, you're awesomeness makes us all happy as a clown on accid! O.o
I've done a lot of things, I've talked people through problems and helped them work things out. I've helped a friend through smoking and relationship issues during high school. I guess that was one of the nicest things I've done.
This may sound a little lame, but in high school I was part of a secret extra-curricular group called "Cloud Nine" and all we did were random acts of niceness. It was sort of like a prank group, but with niceness as the theme. We would nominate people who we think deserved a reminder of how awesome they are and would get to work. Sometimes, it would be a note slipped into their jacket pocket or backpack letting them know that they are special or a poster/banner in the office of an administrative faculty member letting them know we appreciate them and the hard work they do.

I think another nice thing I've done is be a friend and sister to my older brother. Our roles have seemed to reverse, even though I'm the little sister, I act like the older sibling out of the two of us because I have a full time job, have more responsibilities, etc. I think the best I can do for him is to be there for him and try to help him down the treacherous path that life places before us.
Ok depending on how you look at it may or may not be nice.

So there was this kid and he was mean to everyone. It didn't matter who you are and everyone was sick of him so I, the most unlikeliest person to use violence, punched him in the nosed and almost broke it. So I lied about not doing it and didn't get in trouble. It was nice because he was never mean to anyone again. At least that I know of. He moved a month later. I believe it's the nicest thing I helped everyone in the class. Even him because people started liking him. (And people say violence isn't the answer.)
Not to be rude, but I've tried doing nice things my entire life. As time goes on however, I find it's harder and harder to maintain my state of kindness, seeing as sometimes things such as rude language just comes out. I've done a lot of charity work recently, whether it donating two hundred dollars to complete strangers, giving away forgotten toys, or acknowledging the presence of the poor souls, even when to be honest, it creeps me out. I don't remember any specific times when I was incredibly nice, which is why I hope to try and spread a little love every day. I was a mediator in my school, so I'm sure I've fixed some kids in trouble find the light in the dark, making their life full of happiness.

I find the easiest way to spread kindness is to just put on a smile, and let everyone know you're always there for them.
Not to be rude, but I've tried doing nice things my entire life. As time goes on however, I find it's harder and harder to maintain my state of kindness, seeing as sometimes things such as rude language just comes out. I've done a lot of charity work recently, whether it donating two hundred dollars to complete strangers, giving away forgotten toys, or acknowledging the presence of the poor souls, even when to be honest, it creeps me out. I don't remember any specific times when I was incredibly nice, which is why I hope to try and spread a little love every day. I was a mediator in my school, so I'm sure I've fixed some kids in trouble find the light in the dark, making their life full of happiness.

I find the easiest way to spread kindness is to just put on a smile, and let everyone know you're always there for them.

Awww..... Well you just keep doing nice things Mr.L. I'm sure you of all people know that you shouldn't do nice things for recognition, but because It's the right thing to do. Even if they don't appreciate your hard work.
(Though that warm fuzzy feeling does feel good, heh)

Well, my nicest thing actually happened recently.

I won't want to go into specific details but........


Is Gay.


Words of Wisdom.

The End Of Chapter 1.
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