NC's Question Of The Day #7


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members!

I'm just gonna update you on my progress on Trance: I have now finished the opening, which has an awesome song! Next, I'm concentrating on scene one which will take a while, I'm gonna frame it the best I can though, I say it'll take me two days, however, I'm not setting any deadline (expecially not after the last attempt to make Trance ¬_¬)

One more quick thing: Thank you those people who helped me look for "adventure" themed songs back in "NC's Question Of The Day #4" it really helped, expecially you, Kamek. Though I still haven't found the time to look at Kamek's requested adventure themes (being busy framing and all) I still have those very links saved as a word document, so I'll check them out!

Right, members as we all know it, New Years has been and gone so, today's Question Of The Day is:
What was your best memory from 2010?
I think my best memory from 2010 is when me and my friend (gum gum luffy, infact) had some energy drinks and I turned us nocturnal like hell! I tell ya' we was laughing at the word "nut" for about 2-3 hours, then me and him spent our time laughing at someone I know called Reece, we made him leave his OWN room, how awesome can that get?

What about you, members? What was your best memory from 2010?
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My best memory is going to Magic Mountain (A place with games and stuff) with my best friend and the girl I like. That day the girl I like for no reason bought me Mega Man Zero.

Not only is that my favorite memory, but it's also the abridged version of how I got started on MM.
Probably I would have to say when I finally got my crush to start going out with me. I'm so lucky.
When I sang and danced in front of the entire school with my buds for Earth Day, we created a Earth Day version of Billi Jean and our own moves. I just remember looking at my friends, the five of us, until all of the sudden the curtains opened and the lights shined brightly in my face. Their was an awkward silence, the eyes of hundreds just watching, waiting for us to make a move. The music started, and we knew what was coming. We had practiced for weeks, and this was the big moment. No second thoughts, just do whatever first comes to your heart. We did the moves, we sang like we'd never sang before, until the final beat approached us. Then the silence for a second, hoping that the applause would soon approach. In the distant, I heard someone yell "I LOVE YOU, BRENDAN!", and then the wave of clapping and cheering as everyone began to stand in praise. I took one deep breath and looked at my friends, they were all stunned, and smiling. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.

Also, Brendan would be me.
When I sang and danced in front of the entire school with my buds for Earth Day, we created a Earth Day version of Billi Jean and our own moves. I just remember looking at my friends, the five of us, until all of the sudden the curtains opened and the lights shined brightly in my face. Their was an awkward silence, the eyes of hundreds just watching, waiting for us to make a move. The music started, and we knew what was coming. We had practiced for weeks, and this was the big moment. No second thoughts, just do whatever first comes to your heart. We did the moves, we sang like we'd never sang before, until the final beat approached us. Then the silence for a second, hoping that the applause would soon approach. In the distant, I heard someone yell "I LOVE YOU, BRENDAN!", and then the wave of clapping and cheering as everyone began to stand in praise. I took one deep breath and looked at my friends, they were all stunned, and smiling. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.

Also, Brendan would be me.
...Y-you're doing it again (sniff) :'(
*Buries face in pillow*
I think one of my favorite moments in 2010 is when I attended my first shoot out. The shoot out was a standard three gun competition (pistol, rifle and shotgun). The course I went to was "Zombie Apocalypse" themed (it happened the day before Halloween), where only head shots counted, awesome--right?! I was one of three girls who actually competed in the shoot out (there were 100+ people there) and I did really well. Needless to say, I could definitely kick some butt if there was a zombie apocalypse. :] My favorite course was a corridor/half a house you had to run through, shoot several targets through windows with your pistol, holster your weapon, step out a door, switch to your rifle, shoot more targets then move to the other side of the half house thing to then shoot more targets with your shotgun. For the course, I used my trusty Smith & Wesson M&P9, AR-15 and a Remington 12 gauge pump action shotgun. My second favorite course was one where you sat in a fake plywood car with your shotgun and rifle in the trunk, you had to shoot targets through the window of the car, then "get out" of the car, lean over the hood to shoot more targets and some moving targets (which was insane), holster your pistol, get your shotgun out of the trunk, shoot 12 targets (which involved reloading under pressure) then move to get your rifle out, move to a cover of metal barrels and shoot the last of your targets at different ranges.

Also, the targets looked like this:

...And yea only head shots counted. It was epic.
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That's quite and interesting memory, shooting cardboard Zombies. Personally, I've never really been into guns, just holding that sheer power that has the strength to easily take away life, just scares me. Anyway, their's nothing like a cardboard Apocalypse!
That's quite and interesting memory, shooting cardboard Zombies. Personally, I've never really been into guns, just holding that sheer power that has the strength to easily take away life, just scares me. Anyway, their's nothing like a cardboard Apocalypse!
Ah, I love target shooting. I've been considering getting into hunting, but I don't know if I could kill an animal in a non-survival situation.