Need some critique on a video game trivia show I'm working on


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Hi everyone,

I need your honest opinion on this. Don't spare my feelings. I won't improve if you're not honest. As the title says, I'm trying to make a gaming show. The idea right now is a 10 question show. Each answer will be $5. I tried a beta with 3 people on twitch. Mind you, I let certain things fly only because it was a beta. But once I get things down, I want to make this a bi-weekly event.

Anyway, here is the video since I posted it to my youtube. It's edited to cut out all the needless stuff. Your opinions good are bad are very appreciated. I posted the video of the beta below

Maybe have a small intro at the start saying what the video is if found not on another website, maybe be a bit more flashy with the questions and transitions.
What's going to stop someone from searching on the internet to get the answer with this on a different tab? The first person to know might get the answer first, or they might all get the same answer and all score the same if they try the same thing.
Maybe have a small intro at the start saying what the video is if found not on another website, maybe be a bit more flashy with the questions and transitions.

Yeah, I'll def be working on an intro of some sort. Not sure how to be more flashy with transitions though lol

What's going to stop someone from searching on the internet to get the answer with this on a different tab? The first person to know might get the answer first, or they might all get the same answer and all score the same if they try the same thing.

Well the first person to get the right answer will be the one to get the money. As for the internet searching thing. I can't stop that. However, that's part of the reason I have a time limit. The questions I'll have won't be too easy to search in just 60 seconds. Heck I might even drop it down to 45 seconds.
A way to combat the people searching is to ease in with the questions. Like ask easy ones they might know the answer to first, then at the end ask harder questions that may make them think
A way to combat the people searching is to ease in with the questions. Like ask easy ones they might know the answer to first, then at the end ask harder questions that may make them think

Yeah I'm trying to find a balance. Can't make it so easy that that anyone can get it. Can't make it so difficult that people turn away. I might have to shorten the timer so that searching the easy way is more difficult