Negativity in Multiplayer


Well-Known Member
I play League of Legends a lot and have recently started thinking about just how negative the community is a majority of the time. It surprises me that one mistake in this game or not being up to date on all of the relevant competitive information can get you flamed and basically bullied. I don't really play multiplayer on any other games at the moment and haven't for a while but does anyone have the same experience. I read that League is one of  the worst in terms of community but I can't say for sure.
I've heard that League of Legends has one of the rudest player bases of all online games, so I can empathize with you very well. Having said that, I can tell you that you are not alone in your observation. I used to play Dota 2 for hours on end until just recently I had finally had enough of the hateful player base. I suppose that's the fate of free multiplayer games that are so popular. Call of Duty's player base tends to be less than friendly as well, although I'll spare you the details of what exactly is typically said by many of the disrespectful players. The worst thing about it is that game developers for consoles don't seem to care very much about players hurting other players, whether it may be through communication or cheating.
Not only League of Legends, but any competitive online game that involves ranks, people are really harsh. They want you, while being on their team, to be perfect even if they are not. It's really weird, and I bet they wouldn't be like that if you were playing on a LAN. 
Most of them are trolls, but in the end they just want to win, because if they lose and it's your fault (which is nothing to blame) they will rage upon your soul. 

The deal with League of Legends is that the games are huge, about 50 minutes if I'm not mistaken? I only played it a few times, long time ago. And it's a little boring to play a game for 50 minutes knowing you will lose, that's practically a waste of time. This is why they rage so much.  
LoL is definitely not an anomaly when it comes to bad communities in online games. There have been many cases where a bad community has led to the closure of a game, and even cases where the developer has scrapped a gay, only to start a similar title just so they have another shot at helping aid a better community. 

On the online world it is very easy for a bad community to develop as a few rotten apples can lead to many others following in their lead. It is up to the developers to stop this as well as every individual member of the community as well. The example I would give as a success would be Planetside 2. We all know fps games have a tendency to get a bad community *cough* COD *cough* but the developers spent a lot of time talking to the community, and most of the reputable youtubers are also vigilant and weed out the bad apples early, as well as advertising the importance of a good game community.

A lot of games could learn from their example.
Haha, you're right about League of Legends being rough.
I've played there for almost 3 years now and the number of people that are either flaming all game long or straight up AFK is quite high. That said, I'm glad there is the Tribunal system where you can collectively report them afterwards, often getting the other team to report them as well. It's only sad that it takes so long for the person to get banned.

All you can really do is mute or put them on ignore and try to persevere. I have played on teams that have come back and won 4v5 or alike just because we kept trying. Sure, it ends up being a long game, but it feels great to overcome such a hurdle.
This is why I'm scared to play multi-player games. Add on all of the horror stories I've heard from other girl gamers and I'm even more unsure about playing. I know not everyone will be rude but it still makes me pause. I feel like I have to practice against bots and with friends until I'm not just okay, but really good before I even try a real game.
You can blame that on Call Of Duty because people use to game to have fun before they started to do ranks and have player stats and leaderboards. People today are all about being the best and seeing who can have the best stats. I quit raiding every since they started putting gear levels in mmoprgs.

I've never played LoL, but if I had to venture a guess, I'd say that probably most of the players in it are teenagers and young adults, so I'm not really that surprised to hear that most of the players are a bit aggressive. Of course, I'm not assuming that all teens or teen gamers are this way, but I think it has a lot to do with the culture that's been built up in online multiplayer. Maybe after a few more years, those same players will grow up and get more used to online gameplay and maybe even get tired of the negative culture enough to give it up, but as we wait for the culture to evolve, I think the best recourse is to just go along with it or laugh it off.
If you think the LoL lot are bad you guys missed out. The OldSkool CounterStrike 1.6 community were like millions of angry kids who had their toys taken away. Real life threats, telling people to die in a fire etc... I think if you have used the internet long enough you learn to not let text on a screen get to you and rise above it by having a superior play-style to them so you can just beat them in the game and not draw yourself in to a keyboard warrior battle.
I have played that game and can confirm that the community i a really vile one. They are not welcoming even if you are a rookie and nice to people. If you are going to commit any rookie mistakes, they are not going to help you out with it. While the game itself is rally amazing, the community really sucks. That's why I quit playing it sooner than I thought.