Neo: The World Ends with You


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Finished this tonight, overall it's a decent game but I feel like they cut corners with it, all battles are mindless button mashers that get more annoying as you progress. Music is really good and the story does get more interesting near the end.

If we're lucky enough to get another game, they need to somehow make combat more fun like the first game.
I do like the small touches they added even in the demo. When the phone goes off the Joy-Cons vibrate, and the art direction with extra shading and characters in that Square Enix/Kingdom Hearts look. I might like it more than the DS one because it uses buttons but maybe I should give both a chance.
I beat this last year and I liked it a lot. At least, I enjoyed the gameplay a lot more than the original game. The DS controls felt clunky and the motion controls in the remake were... not fun. I really hope we do get another TWEWY game because I really love the world and the characters.
I beat this last year and I liked it a lot. At least, I enjoyed the gameplay a lot more than the original game. The DS controls felt clunky and the motion controls in the remake were... not fun. I really hope we do get another TWEWY game because I really love the world and the characters.

I think the game series sold badly, so I doubt there will be another.
I beat this last year and I liked it a lot. At least, I enjoyed the gameplay a lot more than the original game. The DS controls felt clunky and the motion controls in the remake were... not fun. I really hope we do get another TWEWY game because I really love the world and the characters.

This is very interesting to hear. It looks like something impressive.