Netflix cancels every good show


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So Netflix canceled Inside Job, and 1899, two shows that were very well received by audiences. This now adds to Netflix's problem of canceling every show they have. It's a rather annoying problem and it's only making their site worse.
I really enjoyed what I did see of Inside Job. So I hope Youtube and the rest of the internet watched the whole thing and made a reaction video of it. It is a shame. Netflix must be running out of money or ideas at this point. The problem could've been the fact they charged people for sharing accounts knowing how people like to save money.
Remember when they cancelled DareDevil that will be the only Marvel show which I liked that reminded me of DC now it will be Disney+ it will be PG or PG-13
Remember when they cancelled DareDevil that will be the only Marvel show which I liked that reminded me of DC now it will be Disney+ it will be PG or PG-13
Still the worst decision ever made by the MCU. Daredevil was art.
The way netfix is run just reeks of corporate profit chasing and it has consumed everything good that company created. It is far more concerned from grabbing people's attention and using every UI trick in the book to keep them watching just like youtube. Creating 'good' shows that might sell less than a shitty one that generates a lot of clicks is never going to happen. It's time to just unsub and find something else to watch.
That's one of the reasons we cancelled Netflix. Their prices kept going up, the shows didn't have good storylines, & then when you did find something you liked, that was worthy of your time, it gets cancelled!
What Netflix cares about is the money a show is making them. If it's not meeting the expected target, they did well to cancel it.