New Android malware steals banking information, and spreads through Google’s own network


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Earlier today, researchers from Kaspersky Lab reported that they recently stumbled across a new piece of sophisticated Android malware designed to steal a user’s banking credentials. In a broad sense, the malware is similar to other schemes we’ve seen before insofar that it uses cleverly thought out phishing schemes designed to trick users into entering in their banking user ID and password.

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This looks like a bad malware which could affect a lot of mobile bank users who access their bank account from their smartphone, or tablet which runs Android.

I think these banking malware problems proves that physical cash like paper money and coins are still important. You can still buy food and stuff with paper and coin based money which you have in your home and pocket when a malware program steals all your money in your bank account, and other digital accounts with money.
And this is why I don't tie any banking with my phone.
This is why I don't have an bank account
And this is why I don't tie any banking with my phone.

The article I posted said " All the more worrisome is that the malware is able to intercept, delete and even send text messages sent from banking institutions. "

I think this means you shouldn't reply to, or open text messages from your Bank on your Android phone , and you do not even need to tie your account to your phone with an app or web browser.

I guest, some banks have less strict security rules where users can withdraw or transfer money by just opening or replying to a text message sent from a bank.
I think if you are poor, having a bank account is less worth it these days because a lot of banks in some countries like Canada charge a monthly fee of $30 which is $360 a year to open an account to deposit your money in a bank, and you sometimes need to pay extra fees for using an ATM, withdrawing your money, and using other bank services.
End of the day that all banks are a bunch of robbers. They earn thousands a hour and when you put money check in they keep it for three days and make interests which is more thousands of dollars or ponds.

They want ever cent that they can get out of you. What's damn messed up that Lloyds bank is closing down 200 store's because they can't afford to run them, and yet they made over 15 or so million last year. WTF that's more then 50k people together earn in two years
End of the day that all banks are a bunch of robbers. They earn thousands a hour and when you put money check in they keep it for three days and make interests which is more thousands of dollars or ponds.

They want ever cent that they can get out of you. What's damn messed up that Lloyds bank is closing down 200 store's because they can't afford to run them, and yet they made over 15 or so million last year. WTF that's more then 50k people together earn in two years

You may want to look into a credit union then.
You may want to look into a credit union then.
There is no need, I don't really want to get an loan since it isn't my real earn cash and I would known that I had to pay the extra off