New Hitman game is now episodic?


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Well, this is a disappointing move. Apparently, what was once a full retail game has been retooled as a series of episodes, with rumours saying that pre orders may have been refunded.

So yeah, thoughts? I like how they're going to making the lot purchasable in one go at the end of the year, but even then, this seems like a worrying trend. I mean, what next? We'll see games phased in one mission at a time for other franchises?

What do you think?
I'm so sick of episodic gaming. Just make the full game dammit. I hate how gaming is more a scam now a days with mobile in app purchases. Most free games suck unless you buy things. Otherwise, those who pay will be better than you and the game becomes unplayable. DLC isn't much better, but it's optional. Then there's episodic games. Instead of making the whole game, they cheat you out of your money by splitting it into parts. It's what they're doing to every movie now that doesn't need to be two parts. Harry Potter did it, Twilight did it, Hunger Games did it. Was it necessary? No. The worse offender is the Hobbit. It was only one book and they made 3 crappy movies out it for no reason other than to make money.

If you're going to make a video game, make the whole game. If you release the game and think, "I just had a good idea," then make DLC, but there's never a reason to make episodic games. It's just a stupid way to get more money.
I agree with you guys, definitely episodic is just a way to keep the developers 'busy' and consumers giving their money through microtransactions, like poker and cards phycology you are more willing to part with your money if you don't do it in one go or see how much you're really putting into it. Now that Videogames are mainstream and becoming more complex business want to keep us hooked. After the embarrassment of certain past games overridden with glitches the companies could either slow down and actually give the developers a proper realistic time frame to fully fledge a game or, you know, take advantage of our hype with "beta" pass and episodic releases. They always find ways to leave the cake and eat it at the same time.

I think strict deadlines and yearly releases of complex, realistic looking games in tridimensional space should be given their proper time. No definitive release date should be announced until the game is around 80% complete, or well the game itself is there and running but things needs to be polished and glitches fixed kind of state, which they shouldn't release as 'beta' unless that money people paid for the pass is guaranteed to be used for this same game. I mean, shouldn't they be hiring and 'paying' people to help them locate bugs? Hahah. Same fans are willing to do it for free! No, scratch that. Fans are actually willing to pay in order to get that. It is all a manipulation of your ego. VIP Passes. Ugh.

When we give them money for pre-orders and seasonal passes we're just telling them we're pretty happy to give money to play a broken game. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! we don't care the game is not complete! It looks complete to us! Take my money! Now gimme! gimme! gimme!
This is what they think of us and we prove them right by acting like this is fine so long they 'patch' them later.

I have been pleasantly surprised by SE with some games so just like with FFVII remake, I am willing to believe the games themselves won't be flops. With that being said, I don't like this trend and I am not planning to support it. When the game is completed and out, then I will buy it. For good measure I will make sure I buy the physical copy. Money is the only voice they will listen to. So vote with your wallets on what direction you want this business to go.