Ninja Gaiden II Preview


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Fans of the coolest man in black since Johnny Cash have been waiting for quite some time, knowing that Ninja Gaiden 2 was inevitably coming. Even, dare they say, already in development. But nothing was really known for sure. Nothing, that is, until now. At the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, Microsoft unveiled their latest coup, Ninja Gaiden II for the Xbox 360.

We were able to sit with Team Ninja's Yoshifuru Okamoto, Producer on Ninja Gaiden II, and Katsunori Ehara, Director of Ninja Gaiden II to take a look at their gameplay demonstration first-hand and to learn what this brand new Ninja Gaiden adventure will bring to the table. If you haven't seen it already, be sure to check out this video before continuing on to our interview.

If you've watched the footage, you'll have witnessed some of the topics we discuss and some of the gameplay features that we found most interesting. Most noticeably, be sure to get an eyeful of the over-the-top dismemberment, the on-the-fly weapon swapping (without a pause menu in sight), as well as the more useful Ninpo ninja magic. While Ninja Gaiden II isn't a great departure from the standard set by its predecessor, the improvements can be easily seen. Some of the smaller touches were impressive as well, like the weapons that became bloodied in combat and the quick flourish once the coast was clear to clean those same weapons of the accumulated blood splatter.

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