Nintendo Nintendo And Mobile Firm DeNA Launch Joint Venture Company


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Translated by Nintendolife:

"Today, April 3, 2023, "Nintendo Systems Co., Ltd.", a joint venture between Nintendo Co., Ltd. and DeNA Co., Ltd., newly joined the Nintendo Group. Nintendo Systems Co., Ltd. develops and operates systems and new services that deliver Nintendo entertainment to consumers.

"We aim to create unique entertainment innovations by fusing Nintendo and DeNA's respective commitments to entertainment and technology. The corporate website of Nintendo Systems Co., Ltd. has also opened."

"Nintendo Systems was born in April 2023, led by a team of engineers from Nintendo and DeNA, to create a system that makes it easy to deliver Nintendo entertainment to consumers.
"While there are many technological innovations in the world, while valuing the spirit of originality and flexibility, members with various strengths actively discuss, aiming for great results that cannot be achieved by one person, and sincerity in system development is working on.

"The technology surrounding the Internet is changing at a dizzying pace day by day, and is becoming more complex. Under these circumstances, Nintendo Systems will leverage the relationship of trust between Nintendo and DeNA, which has been cultivated through a partnership of more than seven years, and use Nintendo's originality and DeNA's knowledge of technology as the driving force to create new innovations for the world.

"Technological developments surrounding entertainment are expected to continue to develop. From obsolete technology to cutting-edge technology, we will continue to take on the challenge of bringing smiles to as many customers as possible through Nintendo entertainment."