Nintendo Fans are Pissed


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PS4 gamers and Xbox One gamers were given a lot to be excited about at this year’s E3. Many Wii U games, on the other hand, feel like they’ve been given a big lump of coal.

There’s no one exact reason why so many Nintendo fans walked away from E3 disappointed but this comment from a Redditor at /r/nintendo sums it up nicely: “Basically every big title for the Wii U that we saw, we’ve known about since 2013 (correct me if I’m wrong) with the exception of Star Fox. Heck, the 3DS selection came across as a bunch of B-Teams putting together spinoff games to pad out a drought/make easy cash. Almost shovelware with the exception of a few titles.”

Essentially, it looks like Nintendo isn’t putting much of an effort into releasing first-rate Wii U games even as the Xbox One and PS4 are gearing up for major new exclusives such as Halo 5 and The Last Guardian. In fact, reports that the fan disappointment has been so acute that Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata actually issued an apology on Twitter and vowed to improve his company’s efforts in the future.

“We take opinions of this year’s Digital Event seriously and will work to better meet your expectations,” Iwata said.

So, just how intense was this fanboy meltdown? This comment posted on a massive Neogaf thread might be the single most overwrought comment we’ve ever seen about video games, and that includes all the comments we saw from rage-consumed Bioware fans about the ending of Mass Effect 3:

    I was literally shaking with anger during that conference. Tears formed in my eyes and my fists were clenched. ‘Announce something,’ I shrieked at my computer. I’m 31 years old and this was, without a doubt, the worst conference I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s clear that Nintendo is not just done with the Wii U but done with the company. There is no recovering from a conference that bad. I loved this company and put my heart and soul into dedicating my gaming life to them. But now, I have nothing. I’m an empty shell.

OK, so, wow. There is no way anyone should ever get this upset by anything related to video games. This sort of meltdown would be over-the-top for a 10-year-old boy, let along a supposedly grown up 31-year-old.

And it doesn’t stop there. Many fans were particularly outraged by the announcement of Metroid Prime: Federation Force, which marks the first time Nintendo has worked with the Metroid IP for years. Unfortunately, this game isn’t a AAA Wii U game but a four-player co-op that will be released for the Nintendo 3DS.

Outraged fans who wanted a new Metroid for the Wii U have started a petition asking Nintendo to cancel the new game and have almost reached their goal of hitting 10,000 signatures.

“With the release of the Wii U and its greater technological capabilities thousands of fans were expecting a new and improved Metroid game,” the petition reads. “What we got however is a disgrace of a game with the name “Metroid” slapped on the title. It has no elements at all of what Metroid is about and its a disrespectful manner to old and new fans of the series of showing them that the Metroid franchise is not dead afterall.”

Again: No one should ever take video games this seriously. On the other hand, it seems that Nintendo has really, really angered a big portion of its fan base, which is exactly what it doesn’t need right now.

I don't blame them really.
I had no idea people were this upset with Nintendo. I would rather have Nintendo take their time with coming up with new games than trying to come up with spin offs and rehashed games. My mom just bought the Wii U for the family and I think it had potential. I would love to see Metroid on the Wii U but only if it's done right. I was wondering if people here thought that Soul Calibur would be a good game for the Wii U?
When I watched the Nintendo press release, I wasn't exactly angry... but rather disappointed. (Which is actually kind of worse.)

Star Fox: Zero I got slightly excited over, but then the mention of motion controls being used to control the Ar-Wing kinda cooled that right off. 

Xenoblade Chronicles X I hadn't really heard much about (and I missed the previous game) but it looked kinda cool.

I was hoping for a new Metroid game, something further in the Prime series maybe? Or maybe a sequel to Metroid Fusion? Or another game entirely. But the game they showed off really didn't look/sound like a Metroid game. (The only reason it seems to have that name is because they slapped the Metroid name on it.)

Although it'd be a longshot, maybe a new F-Zero game? (Introduce some new racers, new tracks, online multi-player, etc...) 

I did want to see more of the new Legend of Zelda (for console) not a port of Hyrule Warriors (which is still a good game) or a knock off of 4 Swords Adventure. I mean it's been a while since we saw any news about it really (other than that they pushed the release date back), but they still had to have made progress right?

I would have also liked to see what, if any, more characters they had planned to come to Smash Brothers.

Virtually all the rest of the games were very much just kinda there. I mean the new Mario Tennis might appeal to some (and there hasn't been a Mario Tennis game in a while right?)
But, at least for myself, I'm really not a fan of Mario (and his immediate cohorts) at all. I could care less about the Mario level creator, Yoshi's woolly world or Super Mario: Paper Jam rpg they showed off. 
Similarly I can't get into the Animal Crossing series so the 2 new games there (one being a Mario Party clone basically, and the other a house designer?) don't really appeal to me at all. (I imagine someone would like them though.)
Jasmine2015 said:
I had no idea people were this upset with Nintendo. I would rather have Nintendo take their time with coming up with new games than trying to come up with spin offs and rehashed games. My mom just bought the Wii U for the family and I think it had potential. I would love to see Metroid on the Wii U but only if it's done right. I was wondering if people here thought that Soul Calibur would be a good game for the Wii U?
I think the issue many people have with Nintendo is that they did have time, just as much time as every other game company...but instead of announcing something new or revolutionary or hype-building, they sort of crashed and burned. 

Nintendo used to be at the top, and a lot of people just have that feeling of nostalgia with them. (I still remember when I first got my Gameboy and played Pokemon all day long...heh) My guess is that a lot of people had that sort of childhood connection, and thus were more..emotionally attached to Nintendo's releases? At least, more attached than one would be to CoD or League..

Personally, my parents never even considered buying the Wii U since we already had the Wii. I imagine a couple million other families felt the same, and Nintendo got into a financial rut. But it still sucks to see Nintendo fall like this.
I would have liked to see a new Mario 3d game, or something similar.  It's been a long time since the last real one (Galaxy 2) and I think the Wii U is crying out for a new drawcard.
IF they at least have a pokemon release, the I think it would be fine. I feel like that need to have something like pokemon stadium for the wii/wiiu.
Jasmine2015 said:
I had no idea people were this upset with Nintendo. I would rather have Nintendo take their time with coming up with new games than trying to come up with spin offs and rehashed games. My mom just bought the Wii U for the family and I think it had potential. I would love to see Metroid on the Wii U but only if it's done right. I was wondering if people here thought that Soul Calibur would be a good game for the Wii U?
Truth be told, Nintendo did have the weakest showing at this year's E3. I'm a massive Nintendo fan as well and feel a little let down. Star Fox Zero got me incredibly excited, almost as much as the FFVII remake announcement. But the rest of the Nintendo line-up of games was rather weak. It certainly seems like Nintendo's support for the Wii U is slack to say the least. Their partnership with DeNA and the upcoming NX means that their focus on the Wii U has waned considerably, fans have a right to be angry.  
While I was definitely disappointed, I think we should have all expected this. For a few years now, Nintendo has shown that they do not care as much about E3 as other companies. I mean, they are the only company who doesn't do a live shw anymore. Nintendo has put more focus on their Nintendo Direct events that they do every few months. Thus, instead of one big E3, Nintendo gives us slightly smaller press conferences several times a year. I think we need to reevaluate our expectations for Nintendo at E3 from now on. They march to the beat of their own drum.
Well, to be fair, fans have every right to be pissed off here. Nintendo is looking more and more likely to cut the Wii U fans short within 2 years with all the NX talk they're putting out.
All I'm going to say is this, if they announce the NX next year, then they really shouldn't even bother and go straight third party. Because what consumer is going to have faith in buying their home systems after this debacle?
This is what they get for trying to be first to market rather than trying to actually compete properly. And that tablet controller didn't help things much either.
Well, they turned animal crossing into "amiibo crossing", gave the public some pseudo-metriod game that only has the NAME in common with the series.

Then Star Fox looks like a game that's 2 generations behind rather than something current. Zelda Wii U gets pushed back a bit more. And to top it off, even Nintendo's execs are starting on the NX talk.

Yeah, I'd be pretty mad too.
Nintendo at E3 gave the people all the reason in the world to think they've given up. I used to defend them. But after that E3, it's become that much harder to put them in a good light.

And the fact that Nintendo likes to be off in their own world industry wise is really starting to crush them now.
After my wife gave me a Wii U, I'm not on the Wii U hate bandwagon. It's an incredible and underrated console, however I do think it doesn't compete with the Xbox One or the PS4; rather, it's something you get on the side, kinda like PC (although lots of people prefer their PCs to consoles, rather than have both).
With that cleared up... what a disappointment of an E3 showing.
Star Fox Zero and Xenoblade Chronicles X are the only games I'm really looking forward to. The rest is stuff I could get down the line or not, nothing really exciting. The Wii U is a great console in my opinion, but their #1 problem since its release is a lack of big games.
Nintendo needs that Zelda game bad, some Metroid and a real Mario game, not one of those super casual ones with elevator music. Someone else here suggested a new F-Zero and I agree, they'd do well to revive some of their IPs. I'm frankly tired of spin-off games and mutliplayer-oriented games. Like, there's been half a dozen Zeldas since the last major title in the series, and it just lowers the series' name when done in excess.
Nintendo Fans are always pissed, more so than the other consoles.

I like their current reveals, except that awful looking "metroid" thing, and am excited about Mario Maker.
That "Metroid" game doesn't deserve to have the title of Metroid.  It looks horrendous.  Yeah sure it might be fun, but it doesn't deserve to be called metroid, not going by the trailer anyways.   I can see why nintendo fans are pissed off.  They've a lot of reasons to be.
This E3 changed nothing about how I feel about my Wii U. I love it and have a lot of fun with it, but it is essentially a supplemental console. Most of my gaming time has to go to my PS4 where there are far more new releases, with the Wii U basically just on standby for whenever a new first party Nintendo game comes out.
This is exactly how internet rumors get started. Next thing we will be hearing about this on the news. haha, Nintendo is a sleeping Giant, like I said.