Nintendo Nintendo Switch Lite Announced


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So Nintendo just officially announced the lite version of the switch:

The Nintendo Switch Lite focuses more on the Switch as a handheld console, so it doesn’t connect to TVs and doesn’t have removable Joy-Cons, motion camera, and HD rumble as the standard Switch model. In North America it is priced at $199.99, and comes with a carrying case and screen protector, releasing on September 20, 2019.

I feel I rather get the regular Nintendo Switch because it comes with more features, and have a bigger screen.
Well, it's good for kids and people who prefer handheld consoles, but like everyone else I'm sticking with the standard Switch. The ability to switch from TV to handheld play and back again is one of the big selling points for the console in general, so to see that gone in this version just makes it feel like something is missing here. Like you know, the point of the name 'Switch'.
I wonder how would be the durability of these new Nintendo Switch Lite consoles. I feel a larger Switch console maybe less likely to overheat because there is more room for a larger cooling system, and better airflow. The larger Switch also have removable controllers which can be replaced when they break.
It's a nice idea but I feel like the price is a bit too similar to the normal Switch. I don't understand why people wouldn't spend a tiny bit more and just get the normal Switch that offers so much more.
Well, it's good for kids and people who prefer handheld consoles, but like everyone else I'm sticking with the standard Switch. The ability to switch from TV to handheld play and back again is one of the big selling points for the console in general, so to see that gone in this version just makes it feel like something is missing here. Like you know, the point of the name 'Switch'.

nothing wrong to ruin its image to make a child friendly version.