Nintendo Wii U- Getting better, or falling downhill?


Well-Known Member
Now, I personally do not own a Wii U, but I was looking to get one. Online, I always manage to come across people that say that the Wii U is no good and that it doesn't really live up to its potential. I was wondering how you guys feel about the Wii U because from what I've seen, it looks great and the game library seems really nice in my opinion.
I think the Wii U is getting better. It's the same with the other consoles. During its infancy, there are a lot of crappy games that come out because the developers are still getting to know the hardware. But as time goes by, developers become acquainted with the hardware, thus making better games. If you would compare the games that are coming out for the Wii U now as compared to the games that came out for it during launch, there's a big discrepancy. And, there's that Zelda thingie that they're talking about. Things are finally looking brighter for Nintendo.
It's getting better but not doing it's self any favors. Nintendo needs to be a bit more forward and announce more stuff for the Wii U.
I think it is getting better, but I think gamers should wait till Super Smash Bros, or other cool games they want to be release until getting it.
The console is as good as the games it has, I will say that it is getting better because we will soon be getting a new Super Smash Bros. and Zelda games which are big titles. Nintendo has been clear that powerful graphics is not everything you need to create great games and it is always the first company that innovates gaming, this is one of Nintendo main characteristics. Now if you compare it with the other consoles in terms of third-party games this is where Nintendo struggles because it seems when it comes to games in the wii u there isn't a very large library of good games.
The WiiU as is, is an ok system that is severely lacking good games to play. The only game I've enjoyed was Monster Hunter. I do think that this year we will see a bit of a boom with the WiiU thanks to Nintendo releasing some of their most popular game series to be played on the WiiU.
I don't have a Wii U yet because Nintendo hasn't given me a reason to buy one. I've seen the trailers for the new Zelda games coming out and I am ridiculously excited for them, so eventually I'll buy a Wii U. Twilight Princess came out with the Wii which probably helped initial sales.
I think that the Wii-U is alright. Personally, I don't own one, but I've played on it at a friend's place. It's actually nothing that special though. I'd rather have a Wii controller to be honest. The Wii-U is sort of a combination of mini consoles (eg. Nintendo DS). The thing is, it's a bit large for a "controller."
I think it will get better as more games are added to its library. It's probably the only thing that matters anyway, for the most part, since I assume that the console itself runs well because it's made by Nintendo. I say that if you like the games available for it, then go for it, and if it turns out that you don't like it that much, you could just sell it for a slightly lower price and by then you would at least have had personal experience with it.
Getting better yes, but still lacking in the games department and advertising. Plus, Nintendo keeps pushing forward an outdated mentality. Take for example the way they threat Youtube streamers. While it's proven that let's plays bring in more sales Nintendo pushed a split revenue partnership where they take a big cut + other hassle. In my opinion they should have done things differently to encourage, not scare, lets players.
I think most people will agree with me here, Nintendo is unforgivably behind on account systems. The Wii could have been considered a bit behind but the Wii U should have had it, no question about it.
Nintendo have heard the complaints though, Iwata has mentioned things about accounts in Shareholder meetings and stuff. I don't know what is preventing them from implementing a good account system on the Wii U/3DS at the moment but I am sure it isn't easy or else it probably would have been implemented by now.
I honestly don't know what Nintendo were thinking, for a company that is so intent on pushing digital sales, you would think a good, stable and reliable account system would have been a priority for them.
I think that they are picking up right now because of that AWESOME E3 they just had. If they keep on going down the current route with the Wii U it should pick up sales quite fast.
In my opinion, it's only getting better and better. They had a great E3 this year. They have one of the most jampacked game lineups for the rest of this year, with Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker and Smash Bros for Wii U. Going into 2015 there's Splatoon, Yoshi's Wooly World, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse and Xenoblade Chronicles X. I think the console will start selling better easily.
The Wii-U is definitely getting better in my opinion, with the new games such as Mario and the newly announced Zelda game.I can really see the console getting bigger and people starting to want to buy one and cause the stock value to increase massively.