Nintendo Wii vs Nintendo Wii U


Well-Known Member
Which one do you think was better and why?

For me I believe that Nintendo Wii U is better, has you have more options and if you can't play a game because someone wants to watch the news or something you can continue through your controller.
Unfortunately for Sensor gamers, I do not have enough room to play those motion sensor games.
Obviously the Wii U is better, it does everything the Wii does but better in HD output.
The Wii is backwards compatible with Gamecube games, and controllers, so if you have a large collection of older Gamecube games, and controllers the Wii is a better choice.

But, the Wii U is better if you mainly play Wii and Wii U games.
You can still buy used GC games on eBay, Amazon, second hand stores, and the bargain bin in some big stores.
Also, if you buy an "original" Wii produced in recent times, you won't get NGC support. I'd advise a Wii U.
Demon_Skeith said:
Obviously the Wii U is better, it does everything the Wii does but better in HD output.
lol. The answer is obvious as you said. I don't have any GameCube games nor am I going to get any.
I think at the moment this arguement is invalid because the Wii already has an establishd library and the Wii U is still very young.....
I think Wii U is better, but Wii still has better games. I prefer to play some Wii games on the Wii instead of the Wii U, because Wii U doesn't support Gamecube controllers. I don't have a HD-tv yet, so that doesn't matter much to me. I like the Wii U Gamepad more than the Wii remote, though.
Well, considering I can play Wii games on the Wii U, if I had neither I'd skip the Wii and get the Wii U.
My Wii does play gamecube disks and even if it isn't popular I kind of like the GC controller. like some pointed out newer Wii editions won't play GC disks so this 'advantage' has been shot down. I think Wii U is the best choice if you don't have either system yet.

If you already have a Wii, I think you can wait a while before going for the Wii U as many good games have been not released yet.