Switch Nintendo's 428% Profit Increase in First-Quarter Despite the Pandemic


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Read from Dualshockers:

During its first quarter, the video game company reported an increase in profit of 428%.

The operating profit for April-June was 144.7 billion yen.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons went on to become the game for everyone to pick up during the pandemic as it sold 10.6 million copies during the first quarter. That number brought its total sales to 22.4 million. Making it the second-highest selling Nintendo Switch title.

Finally, Nintendo reported that it sold 5.7 million Switch consoles during the first quarter. 3 million of those being the regular portable/home console while about 2.6 million of those were the Switch Lite version. Nintendo stated that it maintained its sales forecast of 19 million Switch consoles in the current financial unit.
I'm not surprised they have an increase in profits. More people are staying home or have been quarantined during the pandemic so people are looking for things to do while they are forced to stay at home. Plus, since some people are unable to go to work, they have more time to do other things.....like playing video games.
Not surprised at all really. Coronavirus was a blessing for Nintendo. I think there are still some stock issues with the Nintendo Switch and it's pretty hard to get your hands on either the Switch or the Switch Lite in the UK
Not surprised at all really. Coronavirus was a blessing for Nintendo. I think there are still some stock issues with the Nintendo Switch and it's pretty hard to get your hands on either the Switch or the Switch Lite in the UK

it was a blessing for all game companies and media streaming places.
Definitely. I wonder if the growth will remain stable or if there will be a huge drop-off in the near future especially with subscription services like Netflix.