E3 No Borderlands 3


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Some rumors have been spreading about that we might see Borderlands 3 at E3, sadly that will not be the case as told by Gearbox Software CEO and co-founder.

In a string of tweets, Randy Pitchford, a well-documented magic enthusiast, laid the groundwork for the implication that Borderlands 3 will skip E3 with a magic-related metaphor. He described a performer who practices feats both real ("like hammer a nail into his face") and fake (like a magic trick). "[The performer] once said (paraphrased), ‘When I make something vanish (which is a magic trick, and fake), people will swear that it is real. But when I eat a light bulb (which is not magic, and is real) people will swear that it is fake — a trick,’” said Pitchford.

He then explained the metaphor, saying people generally “hold on to” what they want to believe, even if evidence exists that contradicts those beliefs. “For example,” he continued, “I could write it out now precisely and specifically that ‘Borderlands 3’ will not be at E3 and many of you will choose not to believe it. Many of you will find a way to interpret the intent to suit what you want to believe regardless of what is true.”
It’s hard to tell if he’s serious with this or just dropping hints, or maybe I'm doing exactly what he said about people doing. I don’t see the point in bringing up a unannounced game, in quotation marks, in a thread about lies and deception. Seems strange to me. Oh well, E3 will show all.
It’s hard to tell if he’s serious with this or just dropping hints, or maybe I'm doing exactly what he said about people doing. I don’t see the point in bringing up a unannounced game, in quotation marks, in a thread about lies and deception. Seems strange to me. Oh well, E3 will show all.

Just never know till the last day of E3 really.
It’s hard to tell if he’s serious with this or just dropping hints, or maybe I'm doing exactly what he said about people doing.

Same here. I feel like him going on and on about it is odd, like I can’t tell if he’s making a serious point, or if he is just being ironic. So I guess I too prove his point … whatever it is. I have no idea what he really is trying to imply.