Nvidia Grid pushes Cloud Gaming: CES 2013


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Nvidia Grid kinds of reminds me of Netflix, but for gaming on the internet. I wonder would Flash games, Facebook games, and web browser games like Runescape can also use Nvidia Grid to make HD and 3D versions of games to be played in a web browser with internet access without the need to install any software except for Flash, Java, and plug-ins which people already have on their computers.

This sounds like a good idea for people who don't want to buy expensive computers to just game for 30mins to 1 hour a day, and have a broadband internet connection.
Sounds pretty cool. I still like having a nice computer tho for general use....
I don't feel internet is good for cloud gaming yet.
It is definitely where it's heading. Just like streaming movies. I hardly ever spin a blu-ray or DVD anymore with Netflix, Vudu, and Hulu Plus...
I think most people who can afford to spend 59.99 dollar or more on games a month could possibly afford an internet connection which is good enough for streaming games. I tried streaming games on my basic broadband cable, and it is good enough where it rarely slows down.

I read in Asia, Europe, and other places the internet is a lot cheaper, faster, and more reliable then North America, Austraila, and other places.

Onlive, Gaikai, and a lot of other companies proven Cloud gaming works.
I think most people who can afford to spend 59.99 dollar or more on games a month could possibly afford an internet connection which is good enough for streaming games. I tried streaming games on my basic broadband cable, and it is good enough where it rarely slows down.

I read in Asia, Europe, and other places the internet is a lot cheaper, faster, and more reliable then North America, Austraila, and other places.

Onlive, Gaikai, and a lot of other companies proven Cloud gaming works.

Not a month goes by that my internet don't cut out or get near the speeds that my family pays for. Internet isn't ready in the states.
I read streaming games can use the Cable TV lines which are wired into a house for watching digital and analog cable TV from your TV company, so if your cable company offer streaming games like Sega Channel which provides streaming games in the 90s to play streaming games on a Sega games cable channel on a Sega genesis with a cable TV adapter to stream games to your Genesis to play.

I read the bigger states like New York, California, Texas, and Kansas City, Kansas where there is Google Fiber has better internet speeds.

The states and towns with good internet speeds can play streaming games, and movies on Netflix, Hulu, etc. Having streaming games on a website like Facebook.com , or even YouTube.com which let you test our a demo of a game, or play the full game for a small price like a 25 cents like at the arcade would be cool.

Streaming games could be the new way people with fast internet or cable tv rent games instead of paying many dollars to rent physical game at Redbox or Blockbuster for a few days and nights.
We have 12 meg cable internet and it seems quite stable. But I'm very pleased with my PS3...
Cloud gaming would be useful for original PS3 20-60GB FAT consoles owners which don't have a lot of free hard drive space, but want to play newer games and the DLC for the games they play by having them streamed to them via the internet with Nvidia Grid, or something similar.