Okamiden: The Last DS Game


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In all of the excitement for the Nintendo 3DS, many gamers are choosing to save their pennies for the new handheld and whatever launch window games they decide they can't live without. While this is a sound decision from a financial standpoint, an unfortunate side effect is that certain DS titles debuting around the 3DS launch are in danger of being left in the dust.

Okamiden is one of those titles. In fact, as the last major DS release before the new system launches, Okamiden is, in essence, the last of a dying breed, and the very last big DS release before 3DS mania hits.

So is it worth buying a game for a system that is about to be last-gen? The short answer is yes. For the last week or so, I've had my hands on Okamiden (look for a full review in the coming weeks). As the sequel to Okami, the critically acclaimed game that started on the PlayStation 2 and was later ported over to the Wii, Okamiden shares in its calligraphic art style, Zelda-like, puzzle-heavy gameplay and narrative emphasis on Japanese folklore and tradition. I'll go into more detail come review-time, but suffice to say, if you liked the first game, you'll be right at home with Okamiden.

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God damn, now instead of $30 games, I have to buy $40. >_> As if $60 wasn't expensive. Fuck you, you whores.