On our deathbeds, will we regret playing games?


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The usually-optimistic game designer Jane McGonigal has been thinking about whether those of us who love to play video games will regret it in the end. She keeps meeting people who think gamers will. She keeps meeting people who doubt any of us will wish we played more games.

So...the question she's been asked: "When we are on our deathbeds, will we regret the hours we spent playing games?"

see a video here of Jane asking and answering this.

Only thing I'll regret is not living longer to play more games. I know I won't be around to play Kingdom hearts 100 :(
Um, I may regret some of the games I play, or some of the choices I made in playing games, but overall, no.
In any case, here's to a life well spent. Really, it's more likely I'll end up regretting the things I didn't play. I remember once upon a time trying to figure out which game I wanted to play on my deathbed. I hardly think it's the sort of thing I'll end up regretting if I spent that much time contemplating what I wanted to be playing when I went out.
What a cheery subject!

I'd rather not have a deathbed. I don't want to die slowly and therefore give me time to think about anything.
That is not really the point of the topic, nor what he was getting at. He means that when you know you are dying, are you going to regret it. And I started with Pokemon, so I will end with that.
On my deathbed, I may regret some things but playing video games definitely won't be one of them! :) I quite enjoy the games I play and don't spend enough time on the ones I don't to regret it. :happy: