OnLive Console Review video by soldierknowbest


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Looks like a pretty good portable console for people with high speed internet that is reliable. The game prices are fair as well.
as long as you got the internet, this is the best gaming system you can get.
I heard in the video that you can Play OnLive games with a program for the computer, so if you own a good computer or laptop. You can also use OnLive to play games, but you need to use your computer keyboard or buy your 3rd-party Game pad controller for your PC.
I'm not a fan of this onlive service. I get it's convenient but at the same time I find it has the same problem I have with DLC... That you don't actually own anything. If they decided to remove a game from the library, that's it. You can't play it anymore even though you paid good money to play it. So it makes a perfect trap for sports games where companies can hook you into them, after a year or so they pull the old release and post the new one and everyone has to plunk down the ~30$ to get the new one.

At the very least if I bought a copy of NHL 2009 or something, I could still play it even after they officially kill support/online for it. And unless they do something really drastic like start putting out patches which render it unplayable (which if they did, would likely seriously piss off the consumer) then I could still play it.

But still 30$ is rather expensive when you don't own it. It's not even like steam where once you buy it you download a copy to your hard drive and can keep that or redownload it. At least with that you have something you could back up right? (Or can you back up your steam games?) Though how does steam compare in cost? Is it cheaper or about the same?

And the speed requirement to play the games? I don't think I would be able to play games on it... And I'd bet that a lot of people in more remote areas would probably suffer the same issue.
Good point, but I think if they pull the game, and made it not work then there might be a class action lawsuit since paying for something, and taking it away from you is like stealing unless you agree to the terms of service.

Onlive would be better as a subscription service like Netflix where you pay 20-30 dollars a month for unlimited gameplay on all games on Onlive's library.

The rental costs are fair if you want to rent it for 3 days for 6 bucks and 8 days for 8 bucks if you can finish games very quickly.

Indeed, people with slow internet will not be able to use this.