Open World vs Linear?


GamingLatest Slave
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Which type of game do you prefer the most? I might actually say that in most cases I prefer open world because I just like exploring and finding things that are not listed on the map, but I do like linear games too because they tend to have a better story.
I like a little mixture of both, sometimes I just want to get to the objective and other times enjoy the world.
I like mostly linear games since I like following a story, and I played some games which are open world where I got lost, and did not know what to do, or where I was.

Open World works well for RPG games.
Demon_Skeith said:
Ahhh, well infamous would be a good game then.
Yeah that's a good example. However, I think it matches my point that it can be more fun and stuff but the story isn't as great. Don't you think?
It depends, if a game is more story driven I like Linear since it helps me focus more on the gameplay/story rather than the numerous side quests a open world game would have.

But if the if its not all that story driven than I would definitely prefer a open world style of game.
Linear mainly.  It really depends on how balanced an open world game is.  GTA V has an interesting story, with enough things to do in it to keep things interesting, plus you do things in the story and it feels like you're affecting some of the world in some way.

Skyrim, I just completed the story, because there is just so much to do that it doesn't affect the world around you.  It makes me feel no matter how much I do in the game, I'm barely making a dent.  

So whether a game is open world or linear, it depends on how well it's designed.  Mostly though, I enjoy a great story with little distractions.  
I prefer a mixture of both, although I do have a tendency to enjoy linear games more. Open-world games can be fun up to a certain point, but when there's too much to do and the storyline is almost nonexistent, I will eventually get bored of them.