Osama bin Laden Dead

But they killed him? That is about the worst thing they could have done in that situation...


and remember, thats what they TOLD us happened, there is a chance we have him alive and we are just beating the **** outta him for more information,

either way im going to trust they clean up the mess,



and remember, thats what they TOLD us happened, there is a chance we have him alive and we are just beating the **** outta him for more information,

either way im going to trust they clean up the mess,

They should have provided proof of his death if they really had killed them and if they are keeping him alive, then the whole nation should be rebelling against the government for tricking them on a big event like this.
They should have provided proof of his death if they really had killed them and if they are keeping him alive, then the whole nation should be rebelling against the government for tricking them on a big event like this.

welcome to America, the government tricks us on everything and we know it, look at the fact that we knew where bin laden was since last august and it wasnt until now that we did something about it,

and remember: it isnt about killing an idealogy, its about getting intel to stop other things
welcome to America, the government tricks us on everything and we know it, look at the fact that we knew where bin laden was since last august and it wasnt until now that we did something about it,

and remember: it isnt about killing an idealogy, its about getting intel to stop other things

Then why not focus on capturing members of the terrorist groups instead of killing them in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq.
Which brings me back to my original post the the soldiers carrying out the operation could have shown a bit more restraint
Thank God he's dead. Seriously. He had the authority and potential to blow up the U.S.. With him gone, there will be less threats and actual danger coming from terrorists.