Osama bin Laden Dead


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Al-Qaida mastermind Osama bin Laden is dead and the United States has his body, a person familiar with the developments says.

President Barack Obama is expected to make that announcement from the White House late Sunday night.

The person spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak ahead of the president.


this came out of the blue.
When I posted that I was in the car on my way home from the supermarket as we were getting stuff for our upcoming trip.. once we got home, we put away the stuff we got and went straight to bed, and so, I didn't see any report or hear anything about this until I came here last night..

If it is true, which it seems to be then great. But this is far from over, and compared to the number of home grown terrorists here, and elsewhere, I say that Osama Bin Laden was the least of our worries..

If he is dead then I hope he burns in the hottest fires of hell, but I want to see an image of his corpse before I can truly believe that the asshole is dead. He didn't deserve to be buried, his body should have been hung, drawn and quartered..
I read on Yahoo News that some Extremist Terrorist groups are planning revenge for the assassination of Osama bin Laden.
I'm still wondering why the "peaceful" Muslims haven't denounced these terrorists and Osama since these assholes are threatening their livelihood as well. Just as they exclaimed with respect to their "cultural center" being built adjacent to Ground Zero, "they are Americans too." Yet when we get the threats, scares, and bomb plots, they say nothing at all. Unless, of course, we want to beef up security at the airports and elsewhere. They said that it was against their "religion" when the idea of them getting scanned came up, but then said that they were Americans as well with respect to anything pertaining to their agenda. My opinion is that, if you are not apart of the solution, then you are apart of the problem, and that is the way it has always been since Day 1.

If they really are Americans, then they need to prove it by going through the same bullshit we do whenever we want to travel. If we have to get scanned, then they should as well, if we have to show our faces and hair, then they should as well, otherwise, they shouldn't be allowed to fly, or utilize any major means of transport.

You can't sit up and say that you have rights because you are an American as well, and yet cry racism and demand special treatment that even the actual Americans aren't getting. If, as an American, I opted out of a scan, or refused to show my race, then I wouldn't be allowed to travel, yet if I happen to be Muslim, then I get the green light to fly..
I read on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13313201 : 'Al-Qaeda statement' confirms Osama Bin Laden's death .
I reckon he is dead and that there is the real issue.

Before I get a storm of criticism about that statement let me make my thoughts clear.

Osama Bin Laden was the leader of Al-Qaida one of the most feared and recognized terrorist organisations in the known world. He is the namer perpetrator for the September the 11th attacks and has rallied hundreds under his name in his war on freedom and the Western World. His death solves nothing.

His death at the hands of the American military has just made him a martyr for the cause. This will only increase the ferocity and scale of the terrorist attacks as they fight in the name of their leader who in their eyes gave his life for the cause. I think the Western world is in for some hard times now particularly America as they were the ones who carried out the killing.

The war was ultimately pointless as you cannot kill an ideology and that is what Al-Qaida effectively is. The war will wage eternally as the only end to it would be the extermination of humanity. Bin Laden's death may be viewed as a great celebration but it will only escalate the conflict not solve it.

As much as I admire the courage of the brave soldiers who stormed the compound he was hiding in I have to criticise their lack of restraint. It would have served better to take Bin Laden alive than to kill him.
Well, I hope nobody tries to actually avenge his death by causing havoc on the streets. Probably, somebody might replace him and take lead of the terrorists anyway, and this person might be worse so we have to be careful in dealing with them. What I don't understand is why didn't they just carpet bomb the area instead of sending a Navy SEALS team that had a chance of failing, even if it was a small one?
Because that risks massive collateral damage and has an even smaller chance of success?

They said that they knew he was there all along for a long time and have been training the SEALS to get in there. Fine, not carpet bombing, but what about contained ones with small explosives enough to take the compound down?
if we just bombed the area, think about two things:

1) We would never really know if he was inside, we would just assume,

2) we wouldnt have the MOUNTAIN of information from laptops and writings that give away all of the terrorist secrets,

our 'boys did good, thats what they train for!
