Our society is slowly decaying to technology!


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So I was out enjoying lunch with my parents when the power suddenly went out in the restaurant. Luckily we just finished so we ask the waitress to give us our bill so we could get the heck out of there but she said couldn't ring up our bill. So we told her to do it by hand and she replied she didn't know how to up the tax onto the bill. So we just tossed some money down and left.

Moral of the story, people are relaying on tech too much and don't know how to do things by hand.

So mark my words, tech will be the end of humanity. Your thoughts?
It is kind of sad that she does not know how to do the math by hand, or the restaurant does not have a battery or solar powered calculator.

If she owns a cell phone with a Calculator program which most cell phones have, she could of just calculated the tax by multiplying the

(price of the food) X (percentage of the tax for the state like 0.10(10%)) x 100 = amount of tax paid.

Yes, people are relying too much on tech to do math and check spelling for them.
I agree. Technology should not run our lives, but it is necessary. Keep in my that video games are technology though. ;) I don't like calculators though; I do math in my head, or on paper.
People are getting more stupid in my opinion. Not to be sexist, but it seems the girls are because of texting and stuff; most of the girls in my classes are really... meh...
This problem could of been prevented if the restaurant have a gas powered generator, or a back-up battery/Uninterrupted Power Supply for their cash registers like laptops and computers which have backup batteries. I got a feeling the Cash register maintenance technician is not very smart since most cash register and computer technicians should know that UPS come in handy on power outages.

I agree... people are too addicted to technology, so when power goes out everyone is in panic. seems that nothing can be finished nowadays without the help of computers. i think it's kind of sad because what you gonna do in a case of a natural disaster, when you have to survive and stuff?
I agree... people are too addicted to technology, so when power goes out everyone is in panic. seems that nothing can be finished nowadays without the help of computers. i think it's kind of sad because what you gonna do in a case of a natural disaster, when you have to survive and stuff?

That's why apocalyptic and disaster films are so popular now! People get a thrill out of seeing people ripped away from phones and computers and whatnot, and then they go home to their iPhones and 3D televisions and don't worry about losing any of it. Most people aren't even prepared in case of a blackout; they'd be toast if anything truly dreadful happened.

Myself, I think I'd be a little bit screwed since I'm not even entirely sure how to start a fire properly and I don't know how to do anything with dead animals that haven't already been prepared (I guess I'd turn vegetarian?). I've got an old boy scout's manual that I'd definitely take with me in the event of a zombie apocalypse. :laugh: It might come in handy!
Haha, the same with me. I don't really know that much how to survive in the wilderness. I feel little ashamed of it, but there's no better time to start learning. :) But, I'm a modest person so i could eat almost everything i could find outside and wouldn't care to sleep in the woods. xD
Haha, the same with me. I don't really know that much how to survive in the wilderness. I feel little ashamed of it, but there's no better time to start learning. :) But, I'm a modest person so i could eat almost everything i could find outside and wouldn't care to sleep in the woods. xD

I definitely want to become more knowledgable of things like farming and camping, not because I actually think there will be an apocalypse but because it's good to know those things! I'm especially interested in camping, since it sounds more fun than farming and I think I'd like sleeping in a tent. :D

I'm definitely NOT going to become one of those "prepared for anything even when just going to Target" sort of people, though. You know, the ones who carry an emergency kit with them everywhere they go, just in case an atom bomb drops or something and they have to escape to the woods where they've built a secret hideout stocked with hundreds of cans of food.
I cannot wait until the day where we can't use technology for one day. It will be extremely unpleasant but it will be interesting. Have you wondered how you are going to communicate to your friends that lives 5 blocks away from you when technology don't exist anymore?