OUYA One Year Later: 840 Games, 36000 Developers, And A New Console In The Works


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Since launch, OUYA has continued to grow its user base, thanks to sales and distribution both in-store and online. The startup has expanded the number of locations in which the console is available. At launch, OUYA was sold in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., while today it’s also now available in Western Europe, the Middle East, and Brazil.
It also continues to grow its developer base and the number of games available on the platform — it now has 36,000 registered developers, and is adding about 1,000 more each month. Those developers have now published more than 840 games for the OUYA console, up from about 170 games available at launch a year ago, and 575 at the beginning of this year.
All this despite the launch of two new next-gen gaming consoles from Microsoft and Sony.
While the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One might have stolen some headlines, OUYA CEO Julie Uhrman says it hasn’t slowed down interest in the OUYA platform.
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Wow, 840 games, and 36 000 developers. This also means that there are probably are a lot of Ouya consoles out there because most likely all or most of the 36 000 developers also own a Ouya console, or multiple Ouya consoles to let game tester test their games before releasing it to the Ouya games store.
Hopefully the next Ouya console will use the Nvidia Tegra K1, or faster chip, so there are more HD quality games for it.
Wow, seriously the OUYA has 840 games. That's more then what the PS Vita has, and the Nintendo 3DS. The PS Vita has 642 games, while the Nintendo 3DS has around 520+ games.
While it has continued to grow, I don;t really find any of the titles appealing. To be honest, I am not really going to pick up unless a developer like Rockstar or any other renowned developer really digs this console. Until then, I am happy with whatever I have got. Too many games to play already.
It's odd I have never even heard of the OUYA system. And it is really crazy that it has 840 games. I would assume though that as far as making impacts on the mainstream consoles that it is still leaps and bounds away for various reasons. I don't even know how you begin to compete with Microsoft and Sony in terms of budget. Some of the premium titles likely have comparable budgets to OUYA (Grand Theft Auto V comes to mind).
Sounds like inflated numbers to me, perhaps like 100 bejewelled variants. Then again, never hurts to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Overall, I still think the console is a future thrift store / Value Village item you'll find in the bins a few years from now. However, I'm still impressed by how many units they've manufactured and the top tier companies they got to sell it (Amazon, Best Buy, etc). Considering their Kickstarter roots they really want from virtually nothing to immensely "successful" within such a short period of time.

All in all, the Steam Box is the only thing I'm remotely curious about within this area.
Despite all this, I'm wondering how many sales they have actually made in all this time? I mean, sure there's OUYA consoles in the developers places, but how many are out in the wild as it were? Because it seems like there's been very little hype around it since the Kickstarter ended and it actually came out.
Annabell said:
Despite all this, I'm wondering how many sales they have actually made in all this time? I mean, sure there's OUYA consoles in the developers places, but how many are out in the wild as it were? Because it seems like there's been very little hype around it since the Kickstarter ended and it actually came out.
Further down in the article which I did not post it says.

While the launch of the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One might have stolen some headlines, OUYA CEO Julie Uhrman says it hasn’t slowed down interest in the OUYA platform.

But OUYA’s gamers keep coming back, on average launching more than 13 games a week on the console. According to Uhrman, the average number of games installed per player on OUYA is more than 30.

I think the Ouya is a console which does not need a huge amount of hype because its target audience is a small, but dedicated group of gamers since the average Ouya owner has installed 30 games on it which maybe a lot more than gamers who bought the Wii U which may just bought the Wii U to play Mario, Kirby, Mario Kart, Zelda, and Super Smash Bros.

Plus, most of its developers are also  Ouya gamers, and their kids, family members, and some friends may also have Ouyas to buy games from the store.

The staff at Ouya are probably paid lower wages, so they don't need to sell millions of consoles, and games to keep the company in buisness like how a lot of indie game makers can earn enough from selling a few thousand $30 PC indie games a year depending on where they live.