Ouya open gaming is the future?

These are my NICE thought about the system:
Why on earth would I buy that stupid dumbphone plugged into a TV? I mean, it's worse than any other console, it has the dumbest name that I ever heard, It's so tiny that I might be able to smash it with my foot, and most importantly: If I wanted to play Android games, I'd buy an Android, which also serves as a phone FYI.
MY version:
NintenDan woz here. And I thought your NICE version summarised it pretty nicely so I'm just leaving that one here.
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These are my NICE thought about the system:
Why on earth would I buy that stupid dumbphone plugged into a TV? I mean, it's worse than any other console, it has the dumbest name that I ever heard, It's so tiny that I might be able to smash it with my foot, and most importantly: If I wanted to play Android games, I'd buy an Android, which also serves as a phone FYI.
MY version:
NintenDan woz here. And I thought your NICE version summarised it pretty nicely so I'm just leaving that one here.
Lol, somebody got modded! ^_^
These are my NICE thought about the system:
Why on earth would I buy that stupid dumbphone plugged into a TV? I mean, it's worse than any other console, it has the dumbest name that I ever heard, It's so tiny that I might be able to smash it with my foot, and most importantly: If I wanted to play Android games, I'd buy an Android, which also serves as a phone FYI.
MY version:
NintenDan woz here. And I thought your NICE version summarised it pretty nicely so I'm just leaving that one here.
Lol, somebody got modded! ^_^
I'm pretty sure people can imagine MY version pretty nicely.
Remember this little fellow here? Well guess what, some people must've seen a great potential in this console, since the project on KickStarter broke all expectations.

The original Pledge was $950,000.00

The project got backed by a total of 63,416 well errr backers, for the grand total of $8,596,474!!!!!!!!! That is 9.04 times the original pledge. 0.0 WOW!

No wonder SquareEnix, NamcoBandai and others are going to be supporting this Android based console. Also it was announced that it will support four controller (the standard these days).

So the question now is, after seeing the big support the community has given to this console, do you think that it's worth at least the try? A console for $99 with free games and lots of cool customization options sounds good to me.


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It might have been confirmed at 100$ price, not sure if its a rumor or not.

Yes, it's been confirmed to be a $99 console.
It's a cheap little system and would be a good platform for indie developers I'm guessing, so sure, I wouldn't mind it. Not to say I'd buy it but it would be nice to see it jump on out. Seems like a lovely little idea.
It's a cheap little system and would be a good platform for indie developers I'm guessing, so sure, I wouldn't mind it. Not to say I'd buy it but it would be nice to see it jump on out. Seems like a lovely little idea.

It's going to be like the mini-wii, a sweet and nice lovely idea, not something serious that you can make your main gaming platform, tho.