Paper Mario Comic

I honestly love it! It's a great job and very professional. And everyone knows that comics that have time and love into them are a lot better than those put together in paint.

As long as they can make me giggle.
If you love this, make sure you take a moment to check out NintenDan's Shenanigan Guy comic. It is pretty amazing. :]
Why thank you, Arcella. It's about time I didn't have to shamelessly advertise my own comic for once... *shifty eyes*

Also, good news! My computer fried (well, it's broken and will have to be wiped), and I didn't back up the moment before it did, so I lost all the progress I had made. I just had to re-code the speech system (I did a better job this time if you ask me), and now I have to re-trace the backgrounds again. No biggie, I want to do them better this time around anyway. I still have the hill, block and tree intact, I just need the backgrounds. Shouldn't be too hard, thank goodness I didn't lose everything!