Paying YouTubers for Positive Coverage


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So there's been a uproar of late about people finding out that big companies like Machinima and Microsoft paying youtubers more money to give only positive feedback on their content and items. This is what the companies had to say to the reports:
"This partnership between Machinima and Microsoft was a typical marketing partnership to promote Xbox One in December. The Xbox team does not review any specific content or provide feedback on content. Any confidentiality provisions, terms or other guidelines are standard documents provided by Machinima. For clarity, confidentiality relates to the agreements themselves, not the existence of the promotion."
"Microsoft was not aware of individual contracts Machinima had with their content providers as part of this promotion and we didn’t provide feedback on any of the videos. We have asked Machinima to not post any additional Xbox One content as part of this media buy and we have asked them to add disclaimers to the videos that were part of this program indicating they were part of paid advertising."

Thing is though, this is a pretty common practice. Something that daily viewers just remain complete obvious about and never give it a second thought:

So legal or not or betraying or backstabbing. Never trust partner funded content.
I just watch video of people playing games which is usually good enough to see if a game is worth playing or not, and don't really care about the opinions talking during gameplay. I prefer gameplay video where I just see the game being played with no narration from the gamer, so I can hear the game's music and audio better.
Im a machinima partner though i havent uploaded in a while, i did get the email about the +$3 for each video where you advertised the xbox one and nowhere in the email does it state that it has to be positive, you just get an email that says

Its easy! here's how:
1. Incorperate at least 30 seconds of gameplay or footage of ANY xbox one game
2. Verbally mention in the video that you are playing on the xbox one
3. tag your video with: XB1M13
4. Follow the guidelines listed in the assignment
5. Submit the live youtube link through [Due to the contract i cant actually say this sites name]

As you can see nowhere does it state that we have to give good feedback, all i see is a good marketing campaign by M$ by playing with the internet a lil
Thanks for the reply on the e-mail you got from Machinama, and clearing things up.